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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,775) WubWoofWolf 99.75% 3,995.72pp 7,892,076,476 458 2,240 897
2 (#9,206) Inoculum 100.00% 2,341.99pp 890,968,069 740 1 0
3 (#12,703) Sleepteiner 99.95% 1,918.23pp 6,187,936,819 6,491 34 77
4 (#14,454) Tactic 100.00% 1,763.72pp 1,012,920,287 1,668 0 0
5 (#18,937) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 99.65% 1,467.32pp 1,423,038,078 80 250 50
6 (#23,646) _starry 100.00% 1,248.85pp 2,998,931,717 2,525 0 0
7 (#26,415) SS or Quit 100.00% 1,147.50pp 1,015,959,209 1,978 0 0
8 (#29,078) Jayson Todd 99.99% 1,059.73pp 147,397,074 510 2 1
9 (#54,080) kitten8097 99.97% 577.12pp 43,282,677 99 0 1
10 (#450,227) Wakka 94.74% 31.56pp 2,198,280 0 1 2
11 (#1,520,453) Prof3ss0r 96.71% 6.45pp 1,617,978 0 0 1
12 (#656,354) wiuuuh 99.70% 5.84pp 448,814 0 1 0
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