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Vincentluu103 / Friends

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#5,146) WubWoofWolf 98.44% 5,944.10pp 2,809,842,921 1,169 2,160 2,193
2 (#17,305) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 97.13% 2,688.85pp 144,909,662 16 239 133
3 (#19,360) Inoculum 100.00% 2,432.43pp 131,229,360 844 0 0
4 (#21,957) Tactic 98.90% 2,150.66pp 84,194,922 1,153 0 0
5 (#23,611) [Mo] 97.36% 2,009.52pp 34,043,929 2 85 13
6 (#30,171) Sleepteiner 99.91% 1,578.90pp 1,118,452,616 6,491 4 5
7 (#38,743) Trail Mix 95.23% 1,218.40pp 28,215,990 1 24 12
8 (#49,293) Jayson Todd 96.59% 932.14pp 32,092,705 23 106 64
9 (#60,454) kitten8097 96.37% 723.37pp 4,684,616 3 23 27
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