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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#6,336) Flask 99.55% 2,862.71pp 6,273,534,902 222 641 90
2 (#9,710) Rizer 99.91% 2,232.78pp 3,757,492,225 522 106 1
3 (#13,396) NekoKamui 99.77% 1,822.17pp 537,957,893 82 47 27
4 (#17,392) superCreper 98.78% 1,527.58pp 365,247,000 93 150 88
5 (#19,468) SakiMint 99.72% 1,412.81pp 361,756,010 66 66 2
6 (#35,568) willy0214 99.13% 869.67pp 330,702,002 6 62 28
7 (#54,707) Puyui 98.18% 552.47pp 115,243,764 1 25 27
8 (#60,210) EugeneRbao 97.11% 492.76pp 31,546,717 2 18 17
9 (#110,957) SKaiBlue 97.91% 208.26pp 23,754,976 1 8 11
10 (#513,364) Shirosora 93.42% 26.25pp 2,312,788 0 1 1
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