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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#16,458) NekoKamui 95.36% 5,953.82pp 944,271,870 15 781 275
2 (#26,605) superCreper 97.72% 4,913.07pp 957,426,125 30 719 235
3 (#32,639) GfMRT 95.84% 4,508.44pp 409,394,491 14 351 82
4 (#66,026) [ Zane ] 95.40% 3,111.86pp 674,079,440 1 530 196
5 (#76,904) _Shield 96.60% 2,799.80pp 587,493,666 7 537 85
6 (#93,524) EugeneRbao 96.97% 2,410.82pp 493,634,402 19 181 15
7 (#188,466) Puyui 93.79% 1,264.11pp 90,886,259 0 42 43
8 (#211,111) SKaiBlue 94.97% 1,105.68pp 195,326,991 0 139 62
9 (#338,172) CrtReXn 94.75% 559.36pp 69,894,852 2 39 24
10 (#443,843) [RanYakumo] 91.50% 315.45pp 19,925,254 0 7 10
11 (#489,321) willy0214 88.10% 243.83pp 32,714,771 1 10 11
12 (#627,895) SakiMint 89.67% 107.53pp 45,584,674 0 9 2
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