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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#162) _Shield 99.13% 16,375.00pp 318,060,774,029 859 6,025 3,252
2 (#165) willy0214 98.55% 16,346.20pp 51,858,149,295 111 634 1,322
3 (#238) Shirosora 98.57% 15,580.00pp 73,464,139,461 166 2,517 2,570
4 (#244) 975250450 98.00% 15,523.40pp 31,163,219,960 14 691 1,039
5 (#298) [ Zane ] 99.20% 15,140.40pp 146,270,677,929 292 3,476 2,949
6 (#313) Rizer 99.43% 15,073.50pp 364,782,432,996 4,307 12,048 1,988
7 (#410) superCreper 97.58% 14,527.30pp 58,887,728,979 1,089 6,030 1,677
8 (#504) DazzLE_Wind 99.05% 14,154.80pp 153,691,061,764 569 5,694 2,154
9 (#848) [RanYakumo] 98.78% 13,167.20pp 44,212,461,059 78 734 672
10 (#1,063) EugeneRbao 98.29% 12,728.60pp 30,206,427,697 120 760 1,432
11 (#1,077) GfMRT 98.88% 12,700.50pp 189,685,558,586 1,096 6,767 1,250
12 (#1,338) hvick1112 94.98% 12,335.30pp 26,100,351,579 15 1,049 1,158
13 (#1,560) Puyui 98.06% 12,033.00pp 54,244,634,014 76 1,515 2,871
14 (#1,581) Flask 99.13% 12,005.30pp 124,624,635,920 308 4,130 2,516
15 (#1,622) NekoKamui 99.14% 11,948.40pp 78,884,877,228 344 2,397 2,666
16 (#2,120) CrtReXn 99.29% 11,435.70pp 94,516,073,489 185 2,630 3,123
17 (#2,555) Garch 97.24% 11,106.40pp 77,445,891,447 32 3,273 2,817
18 (#2,873) SakiMint 98.60% 10,881.80pp 55,530,506,560 52 959 1,064
19 (#2,900) SKaiBlue 99.36% 10,873.40pp 99,898,343,051 249 3,449 345
20 (#5,040) rrtyui 98.76% 9,920.01pp 25,383,956,572 312 1,235 681
21 (#5,086) Koalazy 98.13% 9,902.31pp 63,223,050,088 383 2,893 1,031
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