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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#6,728) bojii 99.29% 2,761.82pp 495,769,122 26 109 109
2 (#7,956) animeslayergp 99.80% 2,505.74pp 38,334,243,143 11,438 1,272 312
3 (#20,760) grillroasted 97.94% 1,350.23pp 105,030,309 6 43 14
4 (#47,331) GrilledCheeese 98.33% 650.94pp 115,532,836 11 43 47
5 (#50,282) Piggy 98.97% 609.71pp 48,284,196 5 21 5
6 (#59,010) SillyFangirl 96.49% 505.12pp 93,269,391 2 9 40
7 (#350,676) mrekk 91.61% 41.66pp 6,350,958 0 2 0
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