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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) mrekk 97.88% 26,850.70pp 101,065,594,671 61 1,476 1,551
2 (#21) WhiteCat 98.61% 19,844.80pp 33,486,571,577 64 553 910
3 (#149) BTMC 98.86% 16,116.40pp 147,481,922,935 146 2,410 2,024
4 (#165) Mlaw 99.17% 15,939.10pp 164,011,385,374 286 3,811 3,173
5 (#3,080) grillroasted 98.79% 10,497.90pp 18,599,915,814 44 569 906
6 (#9,147) SillyFangirl 98.35% 8,648.24pp 22,783,148,038 37 836 1,005
7 (#14,257) goink 93.31% 7,930.97pp 14,247,706,827 41 901 868
8 (#40,452) Piggy 98.58% 6,222.30pp 6,330,237,234 7 194 520
9 (#350,916) bojii 98.81% 2,440.78pp 471,606,314 34 81 104
10 (#768,133) peppy 97.13% 1,144.61pp 447,063,264 15 75 122
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