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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#7) bojii 97.75% 26,303.80pp 6,084,850,797 3,768 2,279 148
2 (#37) SillyFangirl 97.18% 22,436.50pp 3,069,540,291 740 2,273 107
3 (#69) LiangIaiajan 96.96% 20,593.50pp 525,017,740 45 467 30
4 (#91) grillroasted 96.87% 19,811.70pp 1,862,367,969 331 1,523 152
5 (#1,347) Piggy 97.00% 11,910.20pp 1,762,502,686 407 1,342 98
6 (#17,457) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,809.19pp 105,537,261,087 46,494 58,722 2,250
7 (#45,880) animeslayergp 96.48% 3,832.23pp 14,789,369,193 7,833 6,659 1,041
8 (#69,951) mrekk 95.09% 2,988.52pp 84,392,319 0 47 32
9 (#243,667) kevin3333g 100.00% 917.10pp 3,187,999,592 3,188 0 0
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