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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,034) grillroasted 97.76% 10,657.40pp 606,379,497 24 144 359
2 (#2,215) kevin3333g 99.93% 8,264.18pp 30,626,016,987 63,960 640 6
3 (#5,781) bojii 94.82% 5,511.00pp 107,859,706 7 49 78
4 (#6,497) SillyFangirl 96.50% 5,179.42pp 215,525,968 1 15 146
5 (#12,066) Piggy 98.02% 3,473.33pp 73,494,861 5 27 100
6 (#25,172) goink 91.97% 1,803.50pp 33,406,660 0 7 13
7 (#41,429) animeslayergp 96.72% 1,072.61pp 33,607,395 92 55 32
8 (#67,971) mrekk 89.55% 575.31pp 3,826,986 1 8 6
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