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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,582) Hctbi 98.97% 10,244.50pp 30,102,683,740 23 510 1,199
2 (#9,122) - Ruby 99.16% 8,652.21pp 15,606,610,731 52 610 1,037
3 (#15,283) LordOfPao 98.80% 7,812.71pp 45,439,587,456 106 2,413 1,322
4 (#29,135) LeyDrenu 98.87% 6,757.40pp 10,822,477,996 19 413 657
5 (#30,682) reekted 98.49% 6,673.84pp 11,319,113,185 14 427 651
6 (#34,913) OLuffyP 99.31% 6,463.18pp 31,308,096,637 172 1,662 1,502
7 (#35,302) PlayPen 98.90% 6,444.47pp 11,401,031,917 49 890 997
8 (#38,750) Horzon 99.97% 6,291.36pp 11,344,335,542 1,346 276 594
9 (#39,613) Strikke 98.86% 6,255.59pp 2,722,553,469 50 276 226
10 (#44,505) Niya69 97.33% 6,066.88pp 2,811,356,707 75 284 292
11 (#45,240) noomloof 98.63% 6,038.60pp 11,246,687,412 30 505 1,131
12 (#49,926) JapaneseGuy 99.45% 5,876.49pp 6,278,450,059 93 477 471
13 (#54,583) - Kawan 99.43% 5,730.92pp 5,136,576,070 83 349 328
14 (#57,761) AzureMist 98.86% 5,638.17pp 18,247,281,925 26 828 1,399
15 (#65,383) Smootysz 98.06% 5,435.69pp 2,439,905,301 17 215 277
16 (#69,323) JannerBr 99.16% 5,341.52pp 8,673,759,621 75 581 1,501
17 (#81,210) leoctotti 97.58% 5,078.54pp 2,452,429,429 4 188 356
18 (#86,344) DemiGD 99.17% 4,976.76pp 13,214,195,963 17 569 1,787
19 (#87,086) Downslide 98.87% 4,963.27pp 12,403,672,078 63 952 646
20 (#113,037) GodFaker 98.44% 4,522.53pp 8,011,279,741 20 626 683
21 (#115,348) HitsuBoy 98.86% 4,486.91pp 5,825,245,418 13 503 367
22 (#118,307) AizYz 98.07% 4,443.76pp 6,594,590,408 3 221 869
23 (#128,831) germancanolover 97.38% 4,290.84pp 2,714,606,998 16 217 402
24 (#132,123) Ayashi 98.43% 4,244.39pp 2,175,711,953 15 191 212
25 (#517,540) ParanoicSky 94.66% 1,755.08pp 1,050,618,560 3 103 200
26 (#807,417) Nukll 91.74% 1,076.73pp 471,237,487 3 59 54
27 (#930,894) TPU_Giocol99 96.27% 899.98pp 477,622,127 6 157 99
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