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Mato Grosu!

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#154,764) - Ruby 95.37% 1,649.96pp 244,352,404 0 170 76
2 (#187,612) JapaneseGuy 93.86% 1,363.22pp 156,159,793 1 69 76
3 (#217,755) DemiGD 92.84% 1,151.88pp 213,965,462 0 71 112
4 (#237,875) Downslide 94.20% 1,033.96pp 294,016,901 8 220 71
5 (#326,036) Niya69 92.12% 665.69pp 63,248,494 1 27 24
6 (#547,421) Strikke 93.61% 215.62pp 26,682,473 1 15 8
7 (#1,719,407) AizYz 57.42% 6.22pp 910,069 0 0 0
8 (#1,865,028) germancanolover 52.00% 4.16pp 541,920 0 0 0
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