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Mato Grosu!

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#114,033) Niya69 96.27% 199.61pp 15,185,132 1 14 6
2 (#115,429) JannerBr 97.31% 195.84pp 8,049,978 2 4 5
3 (#180,884) Horzon 94.91% 99.44pp 14,508,932 2 3 5
4 (#243,770) LeyDrenu 95.86% 66.15pp 8,812,974 0 2 3
5 (#264,050) LordOfPao 91.68% 59.67pp 2,858,242 0 0 6
6 (#1,217,227) leoctotti 88.53% 8.59pp 360,286 0 0 1
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