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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,924) Ahmnesia 98.67% 10,095.40pp 47,758,377,661 112 1,272 1,732
2 (#30,371) Chatie 99.29% 6,685.06pp 18,102,389,561 78 1,101 1,608
3 (#55,552) Theoseo 98.29% 5,698.67pp 13,612,877,035 2 292 844
4 (#65,979) Akachi 99.08% 5,418.14pp 21,690,297,175 466 1,701 2,683
5 (#79,153) Tyronix 97.47% 5,118.38pp 6,785,497,431 12 304 882
6 (#126,534) DeathByDarwin 98.30% 4,318.98pp 50,780,092,589 1,597 6,108 3,557
7 (#139,130) Mierf 98.56% 4,146.08pp 4,751,735,008 75 688 673
8 (#172,640) woodpamp 98.62% 3,738.12pp 2,331,799,473 62 401 314
9 (#279,619) R1ght4 97.48% 2,843.24pp 1,644,080,093 6 76 225
10 (#788,329) Windows Me 88.04% 1,105.91pp 242,415,694 14 37 41
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