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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#381) Rlsc 99.23% 14,311.60pp 194,273,562,855 6,803 4,443 3,372
2 (#1,099) Koltay 99.01% 12,383.90pp 139,062,143,430 16,819 3,439 2,962
3 (#28,707) Accurian 99.35% 6,783.31pp 25,619,371,067 4,274 1,231 2,614
4 (#41,966) Kazusa Touma 99.62% 6,163.07pp 36,121,854,434 8,883 2,094 15
5 (#57,634) AnLs 98.92% 5,643.91pp 9,467,254,480 219 927 849
6 (#134,257) Latifah-sama 97.92% 4,217.68pp 16,829,246,356 109 1,195 1,035
7 (#441,567) Pouyter 99.35% 2,034.14pp 1,945,321,274 611 392 93
8 (#1,057,637) Novoids 97.92% 761.56pp 138,515,205 39 86 42
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