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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#383) sing216 99.90% 13,064.50pp 7,317,354,084 11,632 61 1
2 (#3,623) Nardoxyribonucleic 99.43% 6,804.52pp 7,696,804,229 17,363 3,761 0
3 (#5,172) Pouyter 99.14% 5,810.02pp 1,869,190,206 4,232 1,273 2
4 (#5,425) autofanboy 99.24% 5,672.88pp 596,534,396 18 519 211
5 (#13,435) Novoids 98.72% 3,192.98pp 727,268,257 2,670 810 39
6 (#86,791) Latifah-sama 89.46% 395.83pp 4,349,064 2 3 1
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