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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,865) AnLs 95.05% 9,567.88pp 5,790,703,824 2,793 3,023 115
2 (#111,666) Latifah-sama 96.42% 2,199.72pp 382,616,914 2 352 62
3 (#153,269) Pouyter 98.80% 1,665.18pp 4,278,340,447 4,088 210 0
4 (#180,252) Kazusa Touma 95.91% 1,420.45pp 482,833,527 239 216 41
5 (#250,153) Novoids 96.64% 970.16pp 676,514,026 420 246 22
6 (#718,704) Rlsc 81.07% 84.79pp 11,775,413 4 3 0
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