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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#994) Applequestria 96.00% 12,062.10pp 4,289,750,462 6 4,306 189
2 (#2,301) xSnaggles 97.86% 10,298.20pp 2,866,643,035 1 2,678 272
3 (#2,508) Hayabusa 96.60% 10,142.60pp 4,718,717,754 0 4,550 370
4 (#7,385) Amascite 96.85% 7,880.96pp 4,164,787,522 2 679 83
5 (#7,910) MaDD 96.98% 7,728.95pp 3,430,067,559 0 3,424 167
6 (#9,525) Mat 96.35% 7,318.87pp 3,306,096,761 3 3,062 445
7 (#10,598) Infora 95.99% 7,057.46pp 28,404,968,545 12,050 16,824 842
8 (#11,374) Esaphia 95.54% 6,873.18pp 3,404,278,626 3 3,272 368
9 (#21,518) RollingQuarries 96.77% 5,362.74pp 3,757,976,939 0 3,556 295
10 (#51,124) arbiterVscarab 96.34% 3,526.78pp 3,390,960,334 5 3,470 158
11 (#74,565) beckie 95.66% 2,724.76pp 3,027,551,481 0 2,366 858
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