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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#5,818) Infora 99.48% 2,448.63pp 4,427,308,835 499 573 166
2 (#6,485) Mat 99.62% 2,268.87pp 1,200,044,750 155 196 65
3 (#6,802) arbiterVscarab 99.21% 2,185.54pp 749,956,554 70 246 129
4 (#7,160) Applequestria 98.74% 2,100.02pp 1,443,676,114 731 128 280
5 (#8,462) beckie 99.70% 1,824.86pp 5,935,090,485 1,604 2,281 705
6 (#121,537) MaDD 96.44% 126.14pp 11,784,618 1 8 6
7 (#66,709) Amascite 91.04% 42.25pp 37,174,285 0 1 0
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