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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,324) Esaphia 97.74% 9,579.52pp 2,575,062,289 20 570 1,303
2 (#3,558) Applequestria 98.35% 6,313.62pp 1,048,330,008 26 247 1,541
3 (#7,272) Mat 96.78% 4,187.36pp 213,058,444 10 120 311
4 (#11,635) xSnaggles 98.05% 2,950.48pp 204,735,037 4 61 389
5 (#13,004) beckie 98.02% 2,679.70pp 533,313,683 62 1,054 667
6 (#13,121) Infora 98.54% 2,659.05pp 267,153,827 253 162 360
7 (#15,247) arbiterVscarab 97.03% 2,316.02pp 111,101,964 20 196 173
8 (#27,132) MaDD 95.04% 1,335.14pp 20,037,953 1 40 32
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