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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Applequestria 97.28% 32,519.74pp 52,126,156,865 4,876 5,613 4,382
2 Mat 97.31% 21,427.23pp 20,546,902,891 768 4,029 2,234
3 xSnaggles 97.83% 19,533.64pp 14,619,575,680 480 2,999 1,607
4 Esaphia 96.78% 17,091.07pp 5,960,608,447 1,028 2,925 1,351
5 Infora 97.39% 16,707.51pp 56,837,013,246 20,328 11,625 3,160
6 Hayabusa 97.57% 16,293.34pp 10,030,896,929 998 3,821 1,374
7 Amascite 95.46% 13,970.83pp 6,191,488,113 274 557 396
8 beckie 97.30% 11,642.42pp 17,307,307,536 1,974 6,640 3,279
9 MaDD 96.61% 11,567.15pp 6,081,115,924 893 3,085 404
10 arbiterVscarab 97.30% 10,204.12pp 7,728,528,557 1,212 4,020 769
11 Scorpia 96.40% 8,143.52pp 7,421,049,134 3,888 3,828 37
12 RollingQuarries 96.82% 5,399.57pp 3,753,786,735 668 2,942 263
13 liaminitmullen 99.69% 1,653.68pp 4,942,819,571 785 632 108
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