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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Applequestria 97.28% 30,910.44pp 52,287,933,035 4,105 6,339 4,816
2 Mat 97.33% 20,914.31pp 20,918,675,587 232 4,312 3,073
3 xSnaggles 98.00% 19,107.93pp 14,638,204,484 22 3,337 2,160
4 Infora 97.42% 16,667.31pp 57,946,030,142 13,158 18,906 4,851
5 Esaphia 96.64% 16,452.70pp 5,979,340,915 23 3,842 1,671
6 Hayabusa 97.62% 16,058.74pp 10,224,805,793 8 4,706 1,667
7 Amascite 95.94% 12,911.20pp 6,366,148,329 19 803 525
8 beckie 97.28% 11,516.90pp 17,324,015,428 1,844 6,467 4,440
9 MaDD 96.59% 11,491.35pp 6,081,115,924 22 3,837 521
10 arbiterVscarab 97.30% 10,221.25pp 7,728,528,557 265 4,822 1,091
11 RollingQuarries 96.77% 5,362.74pp 3,757,976,939 0 3,556 295
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