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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,098) J Simon 96.03% 11,831.20pp 1,019,331,023 0 873 256
2 (#1,500) robrt 97.58% 11,147.80pp 2,827,725,554 37 2,596 95
3 (#9,933) Sinaeb 96.59% 7,222.24pp 3,223,122,754 0 2,612 915
4 (#21,282) Remyria 96.34% 5,388.31pp 2,756,154,647 17 2,691 214
5 (#35,695) Azer 96.30% 4,282.91pp 296,149,458 0 189 118
6 (#35,926) NeoAxel 96.94% 4,268.53pp 767,874,807 0 765 70
7 (#63,779) HydriZ 94.59% 3,058.22pp 466,990,985 0 169 276
8 (#150,655) Swiishy 95.54% 1,410.47pp 297,966,088 5 164 141
9 (#197,325) Fiertwer 93.96% 991.99pp 173,996,899 2 82 80
10 (#334,184) -Gab- 89.53% 333.69pp 17,264,301 0 9 6
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