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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#865) NeoAxel 99.29% 10,891.50pp 3,015,079,457 251 1,358 855
2 (#1,877) Remyria 98.45% 8,410.80pp 1,044,824,840 391 982 223
3 (#6,046) HydriZ 97.30% 4,713.14pp 275,451,523 5 87 316
4 (#13,830) Swiishy 97.97% 2,540.77pp 108,944,270 9 198 136
5 (#28,461) Cyrzai 95.71% 1,208.09pp 9,455,174 3 19 7
6 (#33,441) Fiertwer 94.86% 999.34pp 12,918,026 0 27 18
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