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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,308) -Gab- 98.76% 12,525.40pp 38,321,650,597 124 837 2,253
2 (#1,437) Azer 99.19% 12,321.50pp 65,223,750,909 258 1,586 1,511
3 (#2,928) Fiertwer 97.84% 11,001.00pp 27,527,861,166 61 883 1,457
4 (#3,315) Ignite 99.20% 10,758.70pp 51,782,804,660 233 1,671 2,149
5 (#3,347) Swiishy 98.73% 10,740.70pp 76,866,010,961 1,360 4,164 2,124
6 (#7,942) Kyruem 99.06% 9,160.20pp 29,080,882,967 37 925 1,464
7 (#8,493) Remyria 98.77% 9,044.17pp 26,574,540,778 1,714 1,423 635
8 (#10,954) NeoAxel 99.02% 8,609.17pp 76,518,602,800 259 2,135 2,993
9 (#11,033) Ciuriya 99.54% 8,599.68pp 101,244,250,572 1,369 3,497 1,266
10 (#11,048) Cyrzai 99.55% 8,598.04pp 69,664,417,027 2,214 6,914 1,854
11 (#23,585) Tempered 99.08% 7,260.50pp 35,777,998,606 102 1,151 2,271
12 (#23,596) HydriZ 98.56% 7,259.77pp 27,436,380,522 338 1,151 2,043
13 (#86,588) Sinaeb 99.17% 5,012.37pp 13,129,244,697 44 514 3,363
14 (#262,121) robrt 95.11% 2,912.38pp 571,114,588 7 112 197
15 (#491,223) NicoPlaysThings 98.66% 1,785.33pp 197,524,086 141 97 66
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