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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#55) Tyronix 96.09% 19,278.70pp 3,504,803,782 1 3,088 620
2 (#10,352) Mierf 96.34% 7,123.40pp 2,812,646,424 0 2,723 287
3 (#15,904) R1ght4 95.60% 6,051.23pp 290,038,519 0 185 133
4 (#17,917) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
5 (#27,313) Windows Me 96.43% 4,837.43pp 3,646,381,032 49 3,151 547
6 (#35,751) woodpamp 96.27% 4,277.58pp 579,740,097 1 346 262
7 (#37,968) Prey 96.75% 4,155.54pp 875,747,793 0 588 273
8 (#44,971) Ahmnesia 94.92% 3,798.61pp 701,289,498 0 354 387
9 (#48,432) Chatie 96.19% 3,643.35pp 729,501,818 0 594 192
10 (#55,265) DeathByDarwin 94.63% 3,362.35pp 2,371,024,292 0 1,398 903
11 (#58,797) rmcsls 96.43% 3,226.72pp 1,152,185,286 2 1,098 88
12 (#68,072) Akachi 94.10% 2,920.30pp 486,554,533 0 296 213
13 (#71,297) Theoseo 96.79% 2,819.81pp 475,869,192 0 293 197
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