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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#5,059) Ahmnesia 98.62% 10,014.50pp 47,800,315,374 112 1,254 1,960
2 (#34,252) Chatie 99.31% 6,623.91pp 19,072,272,783 79 1,051 1,996
3 (#53,050) Theoseo 98.16% 5,864.00pp 14,307,952,551 4 269 1,335
4 (#64,862) Akachi 99.04% 5,514.29pp 23,799,524,708 478 1,704 3,529
5 (#117,362) DeathByDarwin 98.13% 4,451.76pp 51,732,441,151 1,600 5,937 4,617
6 (#136,461) R1ght4 97.78% 4,162.88pp 2,571,830,584 6 91 371
7 (#136,656) Mierf 98.54% 4,159.89pp 4,755,528,068 79 660 849
8 (#172,942) woodpamp 98.57% 3,702.69pp 2,447,803,486 65 385 492
9 (#651,149) Windows Me 87.06% 1,297.68pp 242,581,409 14 35 53
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