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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,071) grillroasted 97.63% 10,333.80pp 606,659,909 24 142 383
2 (#1,526) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,866,252,964 68,943 642 6
3 (#6,032) SillyFangirl 96.64% 4,718.50pp 215,687,134 1 15 252
4 (#9,822) Piggy 98.40% 3,362.83pp 73,665,071 5 28 121
5 (#14,139) goink 93.46% 2,483.07pp 37,100,318 0 15 43
6 (#42,645) mrekk 88.61% 721.20pp 3,850,259 1 8 7
7 (#96,420) peppy 82.05% 175.20pp 37,776,814 0 0 4
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