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Vincentluu103 / Friends

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#90,333) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 94.78% 2,328.96pp 840,775,296 0 494 388
2 (#199,338) Inoculum 99.66% 977.24pp 1,027,181,493 13 1,026 0
3 (#214,007) Sleepteiner 95.36% 875.21pp 6,709,272,478 58 6,603 52
4 (#216,233) Tactic 99.63% 861.07pp 1,000,357,917 67 934 0
5 (#272,885) [Mo] 91.58% 559.00pp 83,914,779 0 15 35
6 (#166,681) Willy 98.98% 286.88pp 104,566,862 12 90 9
7 (#366,756) Trail Mix 94.54% 245.97pp 38,332,805 0 23 11
8 (#392,410) Jayson Todd 91.21% 192.12pp 43,995,521 2 16 12
9 (#586,796) Wakka 75.75% 22.60pp 4,211,407 0 0 1
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