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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,028) WubWoofWolf 98.52% 5,943.22pp 2,810,364,963 1,168 2,161 2,834
2 (#9,844) Inoculum 100.00% 3,360.93pp 181,295,545 1,151 0 3
3 (#13,676) Tactic 98.63% 2,567.25pp 86,104,796 1,155 0 1
4 (#14,242) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 97.39% 2,470.51pp 144,909,662 16 239 208
5 (#17,744) [Mo] 97.58% 1,990.99pp 34,043,929 2 85 20
6 (#18,406) Sleepteiner 99.97% 1,921.86pp 1,134,217,991 6,617 4 6
7 (#27,438) Trail Mix 95.16% 1,256.70pp 28,215,990 1 23 29
8 (#28,900) kitten8097 98.23% 1,186.85pp 25,190,341 61 62 143
9 (#31,251) Jayson Todd 96.43% 1,084.50pp 32,192,665 23 107 80
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