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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 WubWoofWolf 99.29% 22,675.68pp 429,329,865,123 38,702 20,219 11,662
2 Trail Mix 95.81% 17,847.37pp 384,634,632,800 2,739 9,049 7,363
3 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 96.85% 16,016.19pp 949,901,506,966 42,762 50,892 16,425
4 Willy 99.33% 13,713.88pp 244,445,162,194 8,778 22,515 2,263
5 sriracha rice 99.22% 13,393.30pp 111,304,683,641 127 1,752 1,293
6 Inoculum 99.83% 13,378.17pp 103,335,894,150 39,768 1,173 301
7 Tactic 99.64% 12,857.90pp 32,742,598,529 16,741 1,032 148
8 Jayson Todd 95.03% 11,251.94pp 93,992,822,913 5,689 3,991 4,249
9 Sleepteiner 97.61% 10,806.33pp 300,228,952,145 79,367 7,349 3,270
10 kitten8097 99.39% 10,138.06pp 674,104,927,087 62,331 19,467 20,944
11 -lexi 97.81% 9,676.53pp 39,840,933,064 0 22 327
12 Wakka 87.40% 8,993.53pp 25,748,097,024 59 672 2,446
13 wiuuuh 77.77% 7,680.87pp 49,230,557,620 18,640 953 715
14 Prof3ss0r 98.97% 7,560.76pp 13,612,807,237 32 330 1,223
15 Klay 97.94% 6,795.66pp 10,037,230,200 13 256 1,144
16 [Mo] 95.03% 6,171.58pp 3,935,607,557 1,038 651 117
17 _starry 99.41% 4,827.62pp 45,982,081,530 19,674 330 236
18 Alduric 99.12% 4,586.15pp 99,607,925,167 34,421 1,731 581
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