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Vincentluu103 / Friends

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 WubWoofWolf 98.33% 24,586.08pp 422,011,817,723 38,374 22,368 10,287
2 Trail Mix 95.83% 18,010.93pp 367,667,831,178 2,612 8,689 6,343
3 eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 96.84% 16,179.50pp 919,953,022,075 42,408 50,100 14,599
4 Willy 99.33% 13,823.48pp 235,848,320,844 8,272 21,877 2,046
5 sriracha rice 99.28% 13,311.10pp 103,546,125,931 123 1,644 1,164
6 Inoculum 99.83% 12,457.34pp 82,312,398,761 35,785 156 263
7 Tactic 99.68% 12,267.45pp 31,718,143,728 17,438 0 100
8 Jayson Todd 95.07% 10,846.79pp 91,415,820,377 5,681 4,153 3,126
9 Sleepteiner 97.64% 10,447.64pp 297,946,464,766 85,263 796 2,800
10 kitten8097 98.95% 9,183.38pp 649,682,684,466 58,633 19,707 21,006
11 Wakka 84.62% 8,929.82pp 25,532,101,157 59 675 2,132
12 wiuuuh 77.76% 7,724.47pp 46,971,035,833 18,240 859 560
13 Prof3ss0r 97.85% 7,601.05pp 13,596,909,875 31 344 1,058
14 Klay 98.18% 6,678.58pp 10,030,424,498 12 271 894
15 -lexi 97.25% 6,282.86pp 31,713,465,865 46 508 1,639
16 [Mo] 94.95% 6,193.44pp 3,872,113,886 1,016 687 40
17 _starry 99.66% 6,142.02pp 48,441,563,326 22,123 331 206
18 Alduric 99.10% 4,609.57pp 99,607,122,837 34,417 1,743 509
19 SS or Quit 100.00% 1,147.50pp 1,015,959,209 1,978 0 0
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