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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#554) Rlsc 99.22% 14,119.00pp 195,046,849,020 6,814 4,359 3,682
2 (#1,417) Koltay 98.99% 12,366.50pp 140,540,816,883 16,825 3,412 3,378
3 (#31,924) Accurian 99.31% 6,745.83pp 25,697,333,135 4,278 1,203 3,067
4 (#45,756) Kazusa Touma 99.58% 6,123.78pp 36,301,149,089 9,093 1,932 221
5 (#60,760) AnLs 98.92% 5,628.06pp 9,585,935,023 222 919 980
6 (#124,620) Latifah-sama 97.90% 4,337.75pp 17,442,334,155 110 1,107 1,622
7 (#891,450) Novoids 95.68% 808.95pp 139,091,844 45 91 45
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