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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17) sytho 97.48% 21,101.10pp 18,131,972,759 159 620 850
2 (#460) thaibuy 98.69% 14,480.10pp 133,615,340,259 395 3,736 2,165
3 (#3,292) Astana 97.69% 10,768.50pp 35,819,087,931 31 814 1,692
4 (#4,101) DraguinZZ 98.60% 10,361.40pp 47,830,776,199 80 1,643 2,780
5 (#4,784) BobbyZlich 99.27% 10,109.80pp 76,495,988,198 151 1,690 2,806
6 (#6,615) rrailgun 97.80% 9,515.32pp 44,509,947,547 653 3,666 4,255
7 (#6,807) vekt0r 98.40% 9,461.00pp 31,009,656,409 61 725 2,289
8 (#7,889) moosepi 99.21% 9,173.54pp 250,438,192,332 535 6,693 8,150
9 (#40,740) JeZag 97.92% 6,324.63pp 42,593,654,068 16 857 1,706
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