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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 sytho 95.58% 22,066.78pp 18,209,817,212 157 698 772
2 vekt0r 97.25% 18,642.35pp 31,997,036,023 68 966 2,519
3 moosepi 99.47% 14,834.57pp 248,437,345,103 1,112 7,576 6,578
4 thaibuy 98.68% 14,469.50pp 133,306,350,341 395 3,834 1,748
5 JeZag 96.01% 11,253.18pp 42,923,846,772 16 1,190 1,407
6 Astana 97.69% 10,768.50pp 35,795,876,072 30 851 1,412
7 DraguinZZ 98.60% 10,361.40pp 47,826,456,133 80 1,704 2,291
8 BobbyZlich 99.27% 10,106.80pp 76,042,492,662 152 1,759 2,280
9 rrailgun 97.80% 9,513.23pp 43,988,012,613 615 3,849 3,099
10 SakuraSunset 96.59% 1,241.40pp 86,183,928 0 76 20
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