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Last updated on the 13th of June 2020
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Rank Player 1,000,000 Count Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
101 DissonantMuse 53 96.18% 4,571.06pp 6,178,154,383 1,731 4,327 438
102 Jremy 52 99.60% 1,115.23pp 1,483,275,175 1,451 34 1
103 h4mOy 50 95.83% 5,310.18pp 5,917,008,530 2,657 3,873 23
104 Trojan- 49 97.60% 4,759.78pp 3,632,105,745 2,351 1,330 29
105 Exlude 48 96.08% 12,700.40pp 4,477,135,907 2,798 1,660 125
106 Meiko Purbaya 47 99.93% 1,071.92pp 1,359,011,544 1,336 34 1
107 Anole VX 47 95.53% 1,887.78pp 3,071,042,953 2,296 676 162
108 Sun 45 94.98% 7,928.87pp 7,229,002,143 3,026 3,878 272
109 14773592 43 0.00% 0.00pp 0 0 0 0
110 - Zavieraxine - 43 95.05% 2,124.03pp 4,235,396,576 3,055 1,117 151
111 leqek 42 97.03% 12,994.20pp 8,056,289,765 4,552 3,419 282
112 P u r e 42 96.29% 4,745.12pp 6,802,719,574 2,822 4,074 197
113 - Kuncung - 41 95.88% 4,224.35pp 4,258,567,877 2,335 1,911 237
114 araragigun 40 95.97% 13,288.30pp 3,532,556,272 2,342 1,165 55
115 - K a t h - 40 98.79% 4,050.05pp 2,466,866,078 1,964 538 1
116 SeungYeon 40 96.19% 10,255.40pp 2,732,742,120 1,435 1,321 22
117 Zancer- 40 95.73% 4,502.55pp 3,631,692,815 1,546 2,017 208
118 Frim4503 39 99.82% 1,340.47pp 13,391,910,357 13,478 0 0
119 Animation-Game 39 97.90% 1,744.10pp 12,984,670,229 12,169 900 8
120 ERA Zoomi 39 95.99% 2,246.98pp 6,365,092,421 4,780 1,317 396
121 ibacot 38 98.77% 3,386.79pp 20,426,885,929 8,846 13,333 83
122 error010255 38 99.86% 804.92pp 811,482,610 811 2 0
123 aintchinaman 37 97.56% 0.00pp 1,499,803,078 1,232 248 67
124 gpdl 36 96.84% 4,375.15pp 985,437,239 357 657 24
125 SharinganGirl 36 95.44% 846.08pp 690,998,001 584 79 37
126 Gwerf 35 96.25% 5,984.81pp 3,862,358,480 1,340 2,489 220
127 Jellyblob 35 95.73% 6,549.27pp 5,827,186,214 1,900 3,950 311
128 mwahh 35 96.46% 5,961.84pp 11,009,488,559 7,062 5,088 192
129 Wicakz 34 94.94% 4,178.29pp 2,793,770,094 1,585 1,140 87
130 Rhizuko 34 96.42% 1,915.97pp 4,728,294,167 3,133 1,903 105
131 Setsuna_F_Seiei 34 100.00% 459.30pp 347,369,648 348 0 0
132 Souei 33 95.77% 6,436.50pp 1,232,240,910 617 576 66
133 -Valvrave 33 96.47% 1,087.56pp 839,614,014 480 291 102
134 Nap 33 99.66% 4,315.01pp 1,643,559,814 1,275 378 3
135 [ CINCONG ] 32 100.00% 0.00pp 123,836,735 124 0 0
136 [Nyan-] 32 99.98% 2,855.46pp 360,763,006 350 12 0
137 pandagraph 32 96.59% 6,357.49pp 2,759,642,261 1,036 1,691 125
138 mjj741 31 97.30% 855.38pp 548,795,136 507 38 9
139 [ Hitsuya ] 30 96.44% 0.00pp 1,272,016,648 837 356 104
140 Yukari_Sama 30 96.48% 5,434.88pp 9,459,809,196 4,771 4,738 82
141 Wilben_Chan 30 99.84% 3,396.02pp 7,608,853,412 110 2 0
142 wildapes 30 95.29% 2,240.77pp 2,254,924,578 1,605 637 86
143 Dellvangel 30 96.47% 3,332.84pp 1,454,283,882 880 609 9
144 YosikuniKyosuke 29 99.08% 1,446.70pp 1,788,855,630 1,703 94 0
145 bulli 28 94.95% 2,170.48pp 1,471,625,218 730 543 240
146 matemo22 27 99.97% 0.00pp 1,084,673,373 987 102 0
147 sing216 27 99.05% 1,575.48pp 169,565,175 128 41 4
148 Ery 26 97.27% 11,475.30pp 6,304,250,989 2,457 3,576 566
149 Claren 26 97.96% 9,506.27pp 4,965,143,024 3,656 1,248 153
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