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Last updated on the 13th of June 2020
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Rank Player 1,000,000 Count Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
51 - AlKaid - 180 94.89% 10,177.40pp 24,430,993,682 23,553 3,593 57
52 -nowsmart- 174 96.76% 6,685.70pp 4,109,722,635 2,753 1,352 61
53 Zomonichi 174 96.68% 5,085.16pp 1,323,732,614 875 457 22
54 zedrux1 168 95.48% 5,851.77pp 24,797,243,738 16,037 9,045 97
55 -Friede 157 99.02% 4,584.75pp 13,942,993,224 6,561 8,546 5
56 Lithifloresca 154 96.43% 5,799.52pp 5,522,053,044 3,942 1,610 41
57 Kiseki no Sekai 143 95.69% 4,115.21pp 6,184,571,102 4,325 1,935 122
58 3920869 131 0.00% 0.00pp 0 0 0 0
59 Hanss 128 97.26% 8,318.22pp 2,163,967,932 1,579 591 84
60 BeAyWayYou 127 96.94% 6,052.65pp 4,086,752,240 2,734 1,380 98
61 Niko_Plays 126 97.26% 9,834.09pp 3,987,346,598 1,687 2,147 292
62 TimAo 123 96.66% 2,074.37pp 2,679,399,503 2,228 419 80
63 pellboyy 113 99.71% 1,549.96pp 3,058,562,579 3,044 33 9
64 -Electro- 106 96.98% 9,335.12pp 2,130,706,955 1,491 753 105
65 3_3 106 98.74% 5,747.31pp 1,497,038,835 1,014 559 0
66 FuyukiTK 106 99.55% 5,290.15pp 2,096,142,609 1,715 393 0
67 W4RU1K0 JPN 98 97.12% 3,606.15pp 9,148,883,836 6,644 2,624 240
68 Kibitz 98 97.65% 11,202.80pp 12,571,481,659 12,464 523 0
69 -FRiction 97 95.87% 2,300.09pp 3,177,370,211 2,095 1,056 144
70 Black Louis 95 96.17% 4,187.90pp 3,828,688,690 2,177 1,647 335
71 [Goukisan] 95 95.58% 2,628.62pp 4,813,967,675 1,732 2,741 628
72 Duriana 94 96.88% 7,902.47pp 3,290,565,391 1,540 1,777 72
73 LuxAzure 94 95.08% 11,171.70pp 2,312,281,872 1,149 1,191 94
74 Bombsoldier 92 96.15% 3,088.07pp 1,087,681,853 408 695 46
75 FAMoss 91 96.55% 4,364.31pp 773,034,297 346 388 53
76 lxLucasxl 84 96.80% 18,152.20pp 7,731,500,389 6,037 1,728 52
77 Kanon Matsubara 84 96.40% 4,891.63pp 9,123,248,783 4,797 4,728 220
78 Amascite 83 96.70% 8,092.44pp 4,162,275,225 263 434 72
79 Bruce 76 95.85% 7,465.03pp 1,378,212,080 1,052 321 34
80 _Yukari_ 75 95.43% 3,063.66pp 2,694,933,525 532 2,226 57
81 XXX_champ_XX_TH 72 97.88% 8,549.11pp 3,346,647,298 1,793 1,525 115
82 Low Combo FC 71 99.22% 0.00pp 879,011,940 481 446 0
83 pokewil 69 96.79% 1,795.80pp 2,496,132,687 1,212 1,289 52
84 F3NR1R 68 95.84% 1,983.66pp 989,676,363 669 324 32
85 Luminous8 67 97.54% 0.00pp 461,192,322 355 110 3
86 Reyzra 66 95.40% 3,381.43pp 7,442,841,142 3,612 3,844 413
87 bibitaru 66 97.33% 5,106.79pp 8,809,681,177 4,710 3,817 519
88 tsuba3 64 95.33% 4,087.39pp 700,034,593 294 435 48
89 sitarg 64 97.01% 5,537.60pp 25,182,956,805 24,000 1,266 6
90 phantom1999 62 97.70% 1,388.98pp 1,964,300,631 1,408 554 41
91 Near_One 60 96.90% 2,392.69pp 2,023,578,367 1,262 799 23
92 gosy777 60 96.99% 16,150.80pp 4,739,930,982 2,961 1,821 35
93 dudekf454 57 96.95% 9,313.30pp 4,299,850,157 2,871 1,413 63
94 [Crz]Arachnon 56 99.78% 3,756.88pp 2,594,447,922 1,275 1,289 119
95 AnLs 56 95.05% 9,567.88pp 5,790,703,824 2,793 3,023 115
96 shinitaichan 55 95.76% 7,078.24pp 40,821,037,721 9,426 31,058 3,415
97 KH_Supernova 54 96.88% 8,071.72pp 4,177,227,161 2,543 2,001 1
98 Nomis999 53 94.96% 3,476.65pp 7,648,177,623 4,060 3,770 181
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