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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
851 Pikachui 97.03% 13,426.91pp 7,724,465,018 3,379 1,288 426
852 Huytimeclock 95.80% 13,539.03pp 98,894,555,889 3,376 2,989 323
853 maridat47 96.56% 8,417.45pp 13,813,090,409 3,371 1,244 1,108
854 HyBer 96.96% 8,694.80pp 35,128,659,357 3,368 1,643 2,112
855 Elkoniya 99.91% 2,538.86pp 10,800,985,317 3,366 198 104
856 Spencers 99.69% 8,916.31pp 32,530,953,748 3,365 634 6
857 hac 96.60% 19,737.38pp 35,494,082,501 3,359 8,262 2,513
858 Happy Satoko 87.57% 5,801.78pp 73,904,371,546 3,355 10,563 2,323
859 S a o r i 99.84% 5,914.25pp 49,050,601,785 3,351 1,378 0
860 MomoNagi 92.30% 6,225.23pp 40,058,725,428 3,348 1,599 1,870
861 ValentinoArts 96.69% 14,177.43pp 37,069,255,992 3,346 6,185 1,998
862 vagif279 95.42% 8,715.48pp 12,696,659,744 3,336 1,369 1,221
863 www 98.50% 11,325.93pp 75,215,435,579 3,334 4,487 2,271
864 Agis- 96.62% 4,606.79pp 5,941,833,484 3,332 2,722 33
865 KaczkaLodowka 98.96% 10,167.10pp 41,429,945,202 3,320 1,255 1,005
866 Marcialus 97.29% 5,513.03pp 4,368,816,840 3,320 856 196
867 arutama 99.30% 6,727.46pp 15,339,957,838 3,319 295 336
868 klinchen 99.96% 2,988.73pp 26,832,524,860 3,307 305 5
869 Lilium 98.47% 17,254.69pp 99,250,496,162 3,295 5,660 2,658
870 aveil 88.70% 7,985.82pp 34,859,605,561 3,294 2,282 2,191
871 Sharino 99.12% 13,043.77pp 54,674,539,780 3,292 3,000 1,075
872 hubbard 97.33% 23,883.66pp 32,863,002,493 3,288 3,253 2,560
873 Blackcurrant 97.72% 10,930.29pp 53,123,585,281 3,284 583 462
874 aqurin 99.85% 3,980.60pp 19,005,076,148 3,284 1,228 1,648
875 log out side 97.55% 16,276.32pp 27,429,593,489 3,284 2,212 334
876 Maxkem 91.91% 11,603.47pp 136,760,748,077 3,278 3,559 3,735
877 pusheen 97.83% 7,710.04pp 161,518,701,201 3,273 15,853 8,273
878 MoonWheel 98.64% 8,547.08pp 24,312,229,143 3,271 1,302 949
879 NekoJustice 77.40% 2,044.28pp 13,050,316,520 3,269 156 32
880 Flexcia 74.94% 8,751.78pp 187,261,963,705 3,269 10,768 1,910
881 Subbie 99.28% 7,872.58pp 70,892,017,657 3,260 1,621 144
882 Slugma 98.39% 13,274.17pp 14,823,609,797 3,253 3,459 127
883 JISAN 96.17% 22,631.54pp 110,626,205,729 3,250 398 6
884 miki2003pl 98.25% 26,343.99pp 30,491,318,666 3,250 3,404 1,828
885 Remchiq 99.99% 4,960.64pp 5,524,323,162 3,233 3 3
886 Fanty 96.75% 11,074.55pp 84,876,600,762 3,229 3,039 2,846
887 TS_LewisLuo 99.43% 10,739.90pp 2,996,604,527 3,224 907 120
888 Raimon 99.88% 4,069.05pp 29,894,085,184 3,216 1,580 32
889 Viranyaa 98.05% 11,219.60pp 37,300,437,795 3,216 2,079 727
890 Submaris 49.32% 5,801.91pp 18,590,250,431 3,212 213 23
891 Noob 96.92% 6,042.82pp 13,974,923,787 3,212 1,133 935
892 oolong teaa 97.42% 15,278.01pp 23,468,410,992 3,212 2,310 3,463
893 Shenyin 98.01% 16,377.37pp 52,508,236,105 3,199 6,773 672
894 Euphi 99.61% 12,204.31pp 44,339,142,114 3,197 929 490
895 Tetris 98.25% 5,804.98pp 25,293,415,442 3,194 422 33
896 beem2137 98.29% 16,383.47pp 24,949,876,797 3,190 2,590 476
897 Brames 97.16% 15,784.78pp 13,486,960,670 3,189 3,646 1,652
898 T-A-R-O-U-47_jp 95.65% 6,603.15pp 9,966,500,879 3,188 6,117 1,083
899 iCTea- 98.47% 5,626.47pp 7,887,008,208 3,186 2,961 172
900 ItaOxy 99.52% 5,250.07pp 50,415,145,784 3,183 4,867 39
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