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Rank Player Ranked Playcount Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
651 Gabey 198,287 97.28% 18,515.69pp 86,256,234,917 384 2,115 3,155
652 billie eilish 198,181 97.60% 25,329.22pp 446,129,147,196 3,151 34,594 1,449
653 -cy 198,173 92.70% 13,347.12pp 18,890,691,654 4 430 1,582
654 MINHOCA LOKA 198,170 96.66% 23,585.24pp 24,478,086,536 24 692 1,136
655 WoodenShoes 198,160 96.31% 12,477.63pp 23,160,872,348 58 1,349 2,183
656 wilsontehdog 198,078 99.03% 6,081.63pp 62,947,972,871 1,155 3,772 5,109
657 Keisuu 198,066 96.87% 19,253.22pp 98,096,103,801 1,446 4,817 1,033
658 pepe996 198,021 97.22% 11,908.08pp 93,209,356,207 372 3,700 2,013
659 - VayKay - 197,804 96.86% 17,145.78pp 54,203,840,362 102 1,712 4,515
660 Jagester 197,623 97.70% 21,040.00pp 100,935,039,466 219 3,123 3,946
661 IddaqJedd 197,547 99.55% 9,207.97pp 180,836,232,937 23,303 3,513 136
662 Mirei Hayasaka 197,513 85.35% 20,794.33pp 35,846,838,461 210 1,152 1,879
663 mmi 197,416 99.19% 7,071.05pp 361,401,923,309 9,790 33,122 274
664 - Kielzu - 197,334 96.51% 26,091.26pp 37,209,516,866 1,291 1,632 483
665 Keita 197,310 97.49% 18,709.51pp 15,636,157,731 317 1,079 227
666 ifox 197,241 97.54% 17,793.79pp 113,687,523,875 1,621 9,940 4,185
667 monstratorfull 197,182 99.89% 15,851.10pp 156,108,651,890 2,396 4,488 92
668 - AlKaid - 197,169 97.21% 13,531.47pp 23,912,324,601 22,105 3,823 67
669 MioMilo 197,166 99.23% 12,333.10pp 121,715,357,927 364 3,301 2,181
670 Mastasz 197,151 97.09% 24,768.15pp 130,581,235,280 506 4,103 2,216
671 Buzdygan 196,946 97.34% 16,366.60pp 42,934,282,830 184 1,960 1,948
672 Urabe Mikoto 196,784 92.84% 15,708.93pp 59,150,812,320 991 2,062 223
673 OLuffyP 196,769 54.72% 6,463.18pp 31,309,510,963 172 1,662 1,502
674 Amanda 196,611 97.00% 27,211.77pp 47,524,424,858 88 3,499 3,006
675 Kinomoto Sakura 196,486 96.96% 16,087.18pp 56,580,942,245 183 4,047 4,043
676 Kettlerr 196,479 97.92% 7,334.21pp 66,962,259,738 1,001 9,998 1,574
677 DT-sama 196,467 98.95% 9,309.08pp 57,456,570,403 76 1,864 2,133
678 not your kitty 196,461 99.76% 7,082.97pp 57,766,066,199 25,015 935 242
679 Aryssiel 196,350 97.11% 34,306.97pp 92,176,372,255 2,383 4,083 1,246
680 Chzaron 196,343 97.64% 17,686.77pp 66,908,340,538 811 3,021 545
681 Pinossaur 196,300 90.56% 12,857.19pp 40,892,901,948 236 1,205 2,278
682 Suchodolsky 196,281 98.90% 14,816.28pp 32,825,050,169 193 1,424 2,561
683 Bloxi 196,233 96.44% 15,576.58pp 38,803,116,905 151 1,758 3,377
684 crim 196,197 99.34% 18,723.95pp 35,671,859,102 3,420 3,864 1,515
685 Sylian 196,188 98.91% 8,414.45pp 33,917,419,735 33 874 1,822
686 Jantsi 196,117 98.49% 8,098.93pp 42,923,402,560 118 2,027 2,387
687 BoT-Shirt 195,880 99.11% 9,709.00pp 109,614,171,278 300 4,536 6,125
688 Sifonez 195,841 95.49% 15,068.86pp 18,220,307,396 39 574 1,118
689 Alexite 195,783 99.59% 8,652.24pp 18,594,230,929 92 264 748
690 GoreshitEnjoyer 195,720 95.77% 11,952.82pp 22,706,579,310 99 837 1,675
691 eerie 195,694 96.20% 11,864.37pp 75,479,125,324 133 2,239 2,023
692 ReaL motion 195,595 98.69% 16,741.24pp 102,348,829,536 221 4,205 2,228
693 oxycodone 195,569 97.87% 10,300.20pp 15,861,712,411 63 1,188 1,118
694 Misure 195,568 97.43% 13,576.99pp 64,909,192,730 2,031 5,597 2,600
695 Tebi 195,556 98.88% 12,384.40pp 104,531,481,015 266 2,861 3,275
696 GSBlank 195,536 99.09% 12,026.50pp 196,133,349,389 207 6,063 5,464
697 Koiyo 195,434 96.61% 11,677.65pp 57,173,232,736 2,166 2,909 2,191
698 Jafett 195,420 96.77% 15,301.78pp 77,153,158,528 4,077 5,265 396
699 Yuuji 195,342 99.12% 9,973.15pp 57,254,197,058 119 1,721 3,042
700 qqale1 195,311 96.75% 10,689.46pp 46,227,188,596 4,126 2,747 1,806
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