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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
401 (#400) oscarcx 96.09% 15,369.30pp 2,551,797,381 191 2,475 158
402 (#401) Lenxis_ 95.90% 15,353.70pp 521,385,574 11 494 72
403 (#402) lyvet 98.66% 15,345.00pp 1,741,385,313 534 1,120 124
404 (#404) BanDalGom1 96.50% 15,337.90pp 1,223,288,708 71 1,079 128
405 (#405) 1105 96.27% 15,325.90pp 384,421,491 8 365 64
406 (#406) Ai-Ryz 96.98% 15,318.50pp 621,424,882 94 533 9
407 (#407) Cattlea 95.51% 15,306.60pp 476,712,578 3 395 116
408 (#408) pboo2424 96.18% 15,305.70pp 1,773,003,871 53 1,412 434
409 (#408) Niks 96.85% 15,299.90pp 3,714,466,695 456 3,111 171
410 (#409) xNett 96.64% 15,299.10pp 1,573,145,396 287 1,077 271
411 (#410) [GB]nyasun 98.14% 15,286.50pp 1,372,580,469 86 1,226 118
412 (#411) JDS20 95.02% 15,274.20pp 2,474,433,713 113 2,294 322
413 (#413) [LS]Icetify 98.02% 15,270.60pp 1,166,464,206 146 977 66
414 (#414) Plana_ 98.27% 15,263.70pp 1,347,403,738 322 862 0
415 (#415) ERA Veryi 97.04% 15,261.30pp 1,255,914,963 135 1,054 181
416 (#416) -dreamy witch- 95.69% 15,255.30pp 2,563,786,413 146 1,797 694
417 (#417) yoke mao 98.26% 15,223.50pp 2,433,046,979 406 1,978 153
418 (#417) PVmiwiki 97.59% 15,220.20pp 1,144,624,314 131 992 66
419 (#418) Iasys 96.30% 15,218.00pp 1,892,736,342 43 1,508 545
420 (#419) woodstockVV 95.42% 15,211.80pp 662,183,434 71 517 155
421 (#420) Whirst 93.98% 15,207.30pp 1,359,208,830 117 919 281
422 (#421) ItzSoulGD 96.46% 15,205.00pp 696,709,626 6 594 150
423 (#422) kang999 96.59% 15,201.80pp 360,939,262 2 354 39
424 (#424) [Albert] 98.38% 15,176.20pp 1,509,831,277 238 1,173 131
425 (#425) CaptainLan 96.92% 15,158.10pp 508,876,892 39 478 20
426 (#426) hsod 96.86% 15,149.40pp 1,665,076,445 88 1,342 357
427 (#427) Greatvictory 96.35% 15,144.40pp 2,442,764,585 557 1,818 140
428 (#428) Lowuki 96.03% 15,143.90pp 1,213,294,803 140 935 197
429 (#429) P1gh 95.57% 15,142.90pp 1,046,902,231 89 984 64
430 (#430) Pokedogga 96.63% 15,133.30pp 1,861,746,063 61 1,569 508
431 (#431) alivn 95.55% 15,129.10pp 1,124,323,762 25 991 255
432 (#432) CappK 96.52% 15,127.80pp 1,120,123,108 10 1,135 84
433 (#433) 1312on 96.37% 15,119.80pp 863,628,168 69 776 94
434 (#434) SnowScent 96.83% 15,103.90pp 1,220,611,343 336 899 48
435 (#435) yuruyuridaisuki 95.90% 15,102.20pp 351,799,866 28 292 61
436 (#436) k4Zero 95.66% 15,101.60pp 2,234,890,920 255 1,925 242
437 (#437) lioseulbi 95.75% 15,094.20pp 1,190,426,170 4 838 425
438 (#438) -Squishy 96.23% 15,092.40pp 2,246,436,151 572 1,716 30
439 (#439) TriDoanGaming 98.00% 15,081.80pp 1,042,652,051 515 532 12
440 (#439) 20XX 95.54% 15,079.70pp 1,161,338,940 8 913 434
441 (#439) AlexxiTo 97.38% 15,074.30pp 1,525,905,184 210 1,291 91
442 (#440) lemonguy 96.45% 15,068.90pp 2,035,235,887 127 1,698 193
443 (#441) jeyik 95.25% 15,067.20pp 715,419,193 2 728 82
444 (#442) Endroma 95.73% 15,063.30pp 2,101,595,902 21 2,218 64
445 (#443) Lyuna 96.31% 15,055.00pp 1,713,719,128 59 1,528 230
446 (#444) Dawt 96.13% 15,043.80pp 1,623,433,591 421 1,216 81
447 (#445) xpwaster 96.19% 15,040.30pp 2,024,289,911 132 1,789 213
448 (#447) Shimarinnn 98.24% 15,037.30pp 1,559,906,876 117 1,370 141
449 (#448) yzmengx 97.28% 15,034.20pp 479,899,005 24 427 81
450 (#449) Minwoo3098 96.18% 15,029.30pp 1,598,777,665 486 1,110 108
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