RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
801 (#105,460) FiddleMinger 94.98% 2,025.15pp 556,320,177 19 391 182
802 (#324,021) Snafutx 98.14% 367.04pp 169,752,336 19 133 16
803 (#96,478) Akamii- 95.09% 2,193.82pp 444,310,532 19 340 141
804 (#187,635) Tourb0 98.71% 1,064.92pp 167,797,163 19 131 25
805 (#263,523) ka-gay-ama 94.80% 603.21pp 208,478,434 19 145 49
806 (#140,746) ReMeDilleS 96.38% 1,520.32pp 9,664,248,878 19 9,686 107
807 (#146,362) [Sorrow] 93.84% 1,457.14pp 204,320,100 19 126 58
808 (#1,637) idkthebeate 97.33% 10,967.10pp 1,180,930,255 19 1,077 138
809 (#35,370) Full Tablet 96.39% 4,303.27pp 6,595,032,187 19 5,927 779
810 (#22,776) Execration- 95.67% 5,241.57pp 464,336,727 19 443 34
811 (#1,557) MarioUniverseZ 95.91% 11,076.20pp 2,724,148,655 19 2,557 230
812 (#183,418) z12a 96.26% 1,099.07pp 469,598,101 19 383 121
813 (#124,398) Enjuxx 94.14% 1,730.44pp 551,054,064 19 287 253
814 (#3,453) IzKun- 96.28% 9,501.53pp 2,670,886,171 19 1,321 193
815 (#1,058) Rxizuna 99.14% 11,910.30pp 1,532,126,987 19 1,335 62
816 (#21,539) ChurroChef 97.03% 5,366.06pp 626,770,537 19 542 117
817 (#9,633) [SVBK]Klee 96.84% 7,292.42pp 203,664,279 19 162 40
818 (#578) soliBusu 97.14% 13,129.30pp 751,643,997 19 647 140
819 (#232,278) MrFateu 92.33% 764.77pp 143,115,902 19 18 59
820 (#312,076) greeeenpanda 97.89% 407.22pp 131,773,817 19 105 16
821 (#116,089) Arpins 97.43% 1,848.19pp 298,045,258 19 232 83
822 (#9,382) n0el_ 96.12% 7,360.38pp 480,887,282 19 344 169
823 (#506) Na2He 96.92% 13,428.00pp 2,334,871,002 19 2,118 255
824 (#11,632) Aztrax 96.89% 6,822.19pp 342,126,002 19 241 7
825 (#2,901) Simca_ 96.92% 9,863.95pp 2,300,150,431 19 1,979 157
826 (#164,969) blueballoooon 97.92% 1,265.04pp 175,917,490 19 157 3
827 (#100,841) -Sheep- 96.93% 2,109.27pp 512,566,056 19 489 34
828 (#94,673) OmarJiggles 97.04% 2,231.81pp 452,670,072 18 428 43
829 (#248,635) nishan23 96.53% 677.38pp 760,234,376 18 506 218
830 (#33,389) cryptile 96.26% 4,423.25pp 854,265,616 18 637 206
831 (#15,990) dontrell 96.96% 6,042.00pp 395,278,208 18 371 40
832 (#30,587) S-Rat 97.43% 4,603.14pp 363,133,507 18 273 106
833 (#16,495) xX1MasterPro1Xx 98.09% 5,972.44pp 2,255,341,621 18 2,231 104
834 (#76,174) Apollo685 93.60% 2,682.70pp 314,954,139 18 145 126
835 (#1,410) SplatK 96.79% 11,281.50pp 5,906,794,540 18 6,340 291
836 (#201,847) Hydrano 96.19% 959.08pp 608,195,628 18 419 174
837 (#121,484) hi Jady 96.94% 1,770.99pp 428,242,479 18 343 87
838 (#96,246) NeoBass 96.28% 2,200.93pp 452,251,587 18 222 243
839 (#66,262) prismism 96.05% 2,981.25pp 425,623,450 18 282 158
840 (#2,113) torrent 97.05% 10,467.90pp 1,069,313,021 18 1,036 77
841 (#304,420) Kami Maikeru 96.13% 434.73pp 177,546,044 18 70 64
842 (#215,523) Kadae 95.94% 865.92pp 179,451,632 18 140 31
843 (#20,514) Rozlia 95.90% 5,467.87pp 358,992,671 18 159 164
844 (#335) hnthnthnt 96.01% 14,446.50pp 3,720,120,943 18 3,333 376
845 (#278,932) mrmonsterrr 94.17% 534.42pp 250,015,665 18 152 77
846 (#111,416) DampSteak 93.80% 1,921.75pp 424,396,455 18 228 144
847 (#122,336) MagicPanda9264 96.09% 1,757.64pp 567,937,170 18 341 218
848 (#134,025) Iksu Gotera 95.78% 1,601.91pp 87,359,087 18 59 8
849 (#130,367) MaypleFlower 95.88% 1,649.42pp 449,063,522 18 334 129
850 (#2,016) [TCD] Kaito 97.09% 10,572.50pp 1,322,268,686 18 1,159 244
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