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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) qwhj79 99.96% 26,354.90pp 196,836,662,325 1,686 3,167 242
2 (#2) Motion 99.94% 26,069.40pp 150,917,768,833 1,644 3,702 242
3 (#3) -Story- 99.94% 25,623.90pp 129,762,350,227 1,313 2,296 221
4 (#4) YesMyDarknesss 99.87% 25,323.40pp 115,872,574,193 777 2,646 231
5 (#5) Lexii 99.96% 23,587.80pp 217,083,503,119 4,034 1,846 163
6 (#6) Veeti 99.96% 23,422.60pp 296,205,833,841 9,569 4,210 380
7 (#7) Mrbinking 99.93% 23,290.00pp 78,194,745,050 1,184 1,230 46
8 (#8) SirGonzaxz 99.96% 23,055.10pp 42,729,409,115 562 935 99
9 (#9) Netamaru 99.93% 23,012.80pp 70,368,442,133 501 1,393 80
10 (#10) Electr0o 99.94% 22,793.80pp 105,656,353,413 325 2,759 820
11 (#11) Rocma 99.92% 22,524.10pp 77,728,710,844 2,615 2,344 136
12 (#12) trig0n 99.87% 22,439.70pp 67,333,992,334 306 1,928 436
13 (#13) Ttobas 99.99% 22,208.10pp 105,005,031,539 2,073 2,399 72
14 (#14) coolkid 99.89% 21,924.40pp 46,262,106,636 218 902 133
15 (#15) AutoLs 99.93% 21,829.20pp 133,249,421,467 2,975 2,170 43
16 (#16) Secre 99.95% 21,791.60pp 87,232,398,582 822 2,233 217
17 (#17) Marvmallow 99.92% 21,718.30pp 127,738,016,476 1,485 2,323 67
18 (#18) Trent 99.99% 21,536.70pp 74,897,499,734 645 199 68
19 (#19) Camme79 99.93% 21,319.30pp 57,826,625,678 471 1,658 229
20 (#20) JISAN 99.96% 21,265.60pp 112,382,771,850 3,234 394 1
21 (#21) ArMa79 99.95% 21,247.10pp 40,776,599,305 587 1,260 257
22 (#22) Bunnrei 99.89% 21,081.20pp 79,912,587,847 858 1,710 123
23 (#23) Lume 99.96% 20,561.20pp 99,167,911,856 553 2,550 452
24 (#24) b-a-d-s123 100.00% 20,455.20pp 135,487,671,532 7,181 0 0
25 (#25) Aryssiel 99.82% 20,450.10pp 90,108,819,903 2,360 3,361 504
26 (#26) Nipah 99.94% 20,383.80pp 91,242,989,981 3,743 1,455 75
27 (#27) Dahcreeper 99.61% 20,276.10pp 34,398,126,624 452 1,814 695
28 (#28) -Kaguya 99.91% 20,216.50pp 55,242,060,156 431 932 69
29 (#29) XisK 99.94% 20,205.10pp 162,609,955,971 9,423 503 34
30 (#30) Henrick 99.86% 20,046.70pp 44,143,100,937 1,206 2,620 1,492
31 (#31) _Insomnia 99.81% 19,973.90pp 16,547,155,110 109 252 28
32 (#32) sularis 99.91% 19,672.00pp 257,123,908,743 13,398 4,208 467
33 (#33) DoDoEbi 99.90% 19,648.80pp 115,010,886,851 1,322 4,253 372
34 (#34) Spectator 99.92% 19,556.30pp 128,133,634,674 1,522 2,519 66
35 (#35) Roido 99.91% 19,439.80pp 42,825,851,307 514 1,340 110
36 (#36) Ash Ketchum 99.76% 19,412.50pp 48,699,974,788 365 1,652 386
37 (#37) Jakkubon 99.82% 19,153.90pp 62,147,341,588 469 2,441 191
38 (#38) Groex 99.90% 19,146.80pp 142,130,954,051 1,929 1,945 71
39 (#39) Phob 99.96% 19,146.30pp 55,537,704,155 1,233 959 25
40 (#40) -Filow- 99.81% 19,124.10pp 35,889,468,399 868 1,503 171
41 (#41) Rells 99.92% 19,106.90pp 55,601,286,380 787 1,780 10
42 (#42) The 47th 99.92% 19,061.40pp 39,178,197,335 586 1,553 318
43 (#43) ti gnida 99.95% 18,957.40pp 72,013,555,146 1,149 1,970 275
44 (#44) Leinou 99.95% 18,835.60pp 204,244,202,605 5,988 6,658 597
45 (#45) NoteKuroi 99.92% 18,804.10pp 78,515,642,941 1,360 2,031 49
46 (#46) RedcXca 99.92% 18,789.00pp 48,283,694,756 1,071 2,910 47
47 (#47) Colin 99.80% 18,726.20pp 42,837,796,498 447 2,152 332
48 (#48) BoberOfDarkness 99.90% 18,652.70pp 78,274,305,931 1,485 2,276 183
49 (#49) -Rustyy 99.90% 18,621.00pp 63,223,009,777 408 1,652 77
50 (#50) Rakety 99.90% 18,600.50pp 48,390,336,326 499 943 230
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