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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
551 (#16,902) Celerrin 99.88% 2,662.97pp 68,465,365 148 102 57
552 (#204) TGGD 98.70% 14,624.70pp 4,083,649,104 147 1,810 991
553 (#33,418) Jiu Wei Hu 98.98% 1,365.40pp 84,422,993 147 356 18
554 (#826) Salimen 98.94% 11,304.60pp 4,199,552,491 146 1,826 1,164
555 (#90) R J 99.12% 16,276.80pp 1,697,707,071 146 772 240
556 (#698) Mikurio 97.30% 11,679.90pp 2,996,411,321 146 1,250 706
557 (#9,575) PoyoKirbyPoyo 99.14% 4,126.59pp 266,750,460 145 377 90
558 (#773) AliceCarroll 98.56% 11,442.30pp 1,364,084,871 145 809 450
559 (#370) knibblet 97.79% 13,201.20pp 2,613,144,161 145 786 1,116
560 (#16,468) DeviantDreamer 97.96% 2,719.83pp 563,389,176 144 1,002 536
561 (#8,751) Jamie Wright 98.56% 4,375.55pp 464,764,962 144 200 614
562 (#17,706) richp2k 98.32% 2,555.32pp 46,765,640 143 90 54
563 (#26,498) PostScr1pt 97.19% 1,730.69pp 53,254,565 142 252 33
564 (#1,577) Lno 99.04% 9,436.77pp 758,083,278 142 410 158
565 (#532) Ratchet0203 96.80% 12,367.90pp 3,445,460,471 142 835 1,195
566 (#102) Prymal 98.43% 16,058.00pp 1,435,304,288 141 739 410
567 (#1,231) Lightning Wyvern 98.38% 10,208.70pp 2,692,106,972 141 1,484 538
568 (#19,205) _BlossomRose_ 98.77% 2,365.42pp 172,962,086 141 448 53
569 (#15,007) Mirsaaa 98.25% 2,949.21pp 480,408,342 140 730 489
570 (#4,174) -Sh1n1- 98.23% 6,431.04pp 1,369,610,984 139 1,340 347
571 (#9,044) -Nexus- 97.78% 4,283.99pp 484,806,428 138 525 283
572 (#27,611) e0486 99.26% 1,661.25pp 88,188,591 137 226 21
573 (#1,631) nc enjoyer 97.89% 9,327.03pp 1,125,162,326 137 689 616
574 (#714) Dark G Reaper 98.76% 11,611.10pp 1,690,550,931 137 789 216
575 (#13,232) Pikachui 95.48% 3,259.41pp 150,292,844 136 245 53
576 (#18) nameless_ll 99.20% 18,770.40pp 1,815,209,847 135 386 237
577 (#253) nyakey 98.78% 14,226.20pp 1,232,846,340 134 484 92
578 (#466) Myckoll 98.80% 12,695.60pp 1,642,445,564 134 656 596
579 (#3,525) bookustuchus 97.49% 6,916.81pp 1,733,722,232 134 846 855
580 (#143) -o-o- 99.62% 15,254.80pp 617,713,632 133 120 104
581 (#14,256) MeowHou 96.71% 3,076.21pp 520,860,916 132 610 169
582 (#3) kotohira_06 99.02% 20,809.90pp 1,840,106,441 132 596 415
583 (#10,691) Barack 99.63% 3,826.42pp 189,334,438 131 264 75
584 (#9,199) Adisi 98.24% 4,235.66pp 430,471,195 131 573 437
585 (#36,207) Irukuma 99.99% 1,253.16pp 14,310,634 131 0 0
586 (#3,998) Effy 96.96% 6,553.72pp 2,212,758,958 130 1,339 911
587 (#18,714) Harumiii 98.99% 2,426.38pp 70,733,621 130 193 70
588 (#27,476) Tree Palm 99.94% 1,669.84pp 30,494,487 130 7 0
589 (#3,136) Cabbig 96.76% 7,255.38pp 1,383,077,259 130 630 552
590 (#7,920) [-Vappy-] 98.22% 4,661.57pp 862,048,142 129 495 930
591 (#1,027) Cadmium-113 98.52% 10,693.70pp 1,198,081,979 129 1,350 30
592 (#13,379) Triantalex 96.21% 3,230.85pp 248,221,059 129 193 167
593 (#7,688) Clad 98.16% 4,737.02pp 127,621,985 129 157 51
594 (#39,737) wht 99.55% 1,135.23pp 13,975,184 128 75 0
595 (#249) Shiny Froakie 98.61% 14,275.30pp 3,639,471,811 128 2,252 760
596 (#7,928) jw9478 99.34% 4,658.77pp 447,181,038 128 623 87
597 (#341) iloveyou4ever 98.85% 13,391.80pp 6,663,916,475 128 1,991 2,419
598 (#1,559) Sobarashi 97.15% 9,465.62pp 1,699,088,362 127 650 610
599 (#728) Axurtel 98.45% 11,575.70pp 2,204,861,453 127 1,294 739
600 (#7,992) Nad 97.85% 4,633.34pp 821,291,466 127 1,186 153
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