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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
451 (#451) yukkurinewww 98.34% 12,746.20pp 147,001,109 0 43 40
452 (#452) Mew 99.26% 12,745.70pp 2,228,975,377 2,287 769 142
453 (#453) Paidmaid 98.73% 12,739.50pp 80,757,081 1 23 52
454 (#454) TSC_Theo 97.27% 12,734.00pp 1,845,534,351 0 330 386
455 (#454) CoEqual 99.56% 12,732.60pp 2,217,565,285 79 2,267 4
456 (#455) splyrg 97.92% 12,726.70pp 1,107,665,410 2 328 370
457 (#457) Anthoni 98.88% 12,717.20pp 7,154,076,499 163 860 529
458 (#458) Yona 97.82% 12,713.80pp 2,230,552,249 52 978 873
459 (#459) Cihyaa 98.83% 12,710.60pp 2,616,960,802 370 1,570 725
460 (#460) nisio 97.09% 12,708.30pp 615,541,965 7 99 187
461 (#461) cagalin 98.52% 12,708.20pp 4,618,051,609 388 3,494 1,091
462 (#462) thallrakh 99.17% 12,705.00pp 2,675,306,575 44 644 909
463 (#462) yqkn_ 98.64% 12,700.40pp 363,018,803 12 151 20
464 (#464) nitori0 98.56% 12,697.60pp 2,081,224,310 99 917 570
465 (#465) Henry03 98.34% 12,695.70pp 2,074,783,188 69 807 527
466 (#466) Myckoll 98.80% 12,695.60pp 1,642,445,564 134 656 596
467 (#467) faheen 98.01% 12,689.50pp 2,402,954,759 14 379 869
468 (#467) Rayhdesu 99.07% 12,678.20pp 941,815,812 16 317 202
469 (#469) Jerry 97.86% 12,676.50pp 2,569,404,692 227 2,097 389
470 (#470) Sashimio 99.13% 12,667.60pp 997,470,726 50 595 230
471 (#471) solros1101 98.89% 12,659.50pp 2,954,083,110 602 1,384 423
472 (#472) YouCanNotKnow 98.30% 12,658.10pp 1,860,281,040 4 240 525
473 (#473) JustALeaf 98.21% 12,654.80pp 745,661,141 7 222 203
474 (#473) wakotendou 98.88% 12,646.60pp 1,906,897,978 32 777 626
475 (#475) [- Maekawa -] 98.59% 12,640.40pp 1,776,401,140 19 493 800
476 (#476) Reeche4 99.41% 12,634.30pp 2,060,200,027 1,159 1,078 191
477 (#477) Informous 97.71% 12,632.20pp 2,109,031,227 2 152 853
478 (#477) BigNounours 98.45% 12,630.70pp 1,982,424,459 35 517 713
479 (#480) chKKi 98.11% 12,614.20pp 1,439,125,404 50 783 391
480 (#481) waisa28 98.79% 12,608.90pp 3,930,801,092 248 1,992 1,283
481 (#481) Dolphin321 97.98% 12,604.90pp 774,273,323 9 159 318
482 (#483) SMG3 99.12% 12,562.70pp 1,152,235,936 56 405 517
483 (#485) h2o2_n 98.76% 12,560.00pp 1,750,501,117 59 765 225
484 (#484) -HiddenTaco- 98.51% 12,560.00pp 2,825,941,879 102 756 867
485 (#486) Spinasson 96.89% 12,550.70pp 2,212,566,297 17 483 537
486 (#487) MrrMiller 98.04% 12,550.30pp 2,598,729,898 328 1,142 771
487 (#488) alemagno333 98.35% 12,533.60pp 4,059,704,817 61 1,691 979
488 (#489) merry08210 98.32% 12,529.80pp 670,641,295 19 137 289
489 (#490) RandomNameIdk 97.27% 12,526.90pp 716,737,482 4 120 255
490 (#491) vodnanen 98.95% 12,520.90pp 4,822,692,550 873 2,776 629
491 (#492) Mevius_Skyblue7 97.88% 12,518.20pp 951,263,973 15 319 369
492 (#491) LuxBluxy 97.88% 12,514.20pp 1,816,132,877 27 1,019 828
493 (#494) JDrago14 98.89% 12,510.90pp 1,961,045,842 121 1,383 326
494 (#495) causa1 97.95% 12,509.60pp 1,844,189,316 9 236 710
495 (#496) nuzojon 98.28% 12,504.10pp 785,675,963 3 143 274
496 (#497) ponzuyummy 96.42% 12,501.70pp 816,396,519 1 170 186
497 (#498) Yoroiari 98.34% 12,500.40pp 1,389,051,771 42 505 427
498 (#499) arley_ 99.56% 12,497.80pp 1,362,971,558 830 693 329
499 (#498) OM- 98.55% 12,496.20pp 405,972,758 3 87 173
500 (#501) Chromoxx 98.65% 12,491.20pp 1,705,950,896 115 669 568
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