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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
301 (#301) Allegrissimo 98.70% 15,235.30pp 92,394,033,065 196 2,223 2,076
302 (#303) R1cho 97.92% 15,215.10pp 91,988,003,421 87 1,764 3,218
303 (#304) yadon 98.92% 15,210.40pp 47,458,517,250 722 2,043 1,018
304 (#304) _Twent 99.33% 15,198.00pp 45,705,475,805 175 1,195 1,148
305 (#305) Dustice 99.03% 15,171.70pp 82,628,553,665 132 2,892 2,067
306 (#306) Monko2k 98.62% 15,169.30pp 115,895,775,965 143 2,997 4,800
307 (#307) MrFuture 99.31% 15,156.50pp 45,441,577,640 362 808 988
308 (#309) Moeko 95.75% 15,155.30pp 10,525,467,533 9 422 692
309 (#310) Kepler 92.22% 15,127.80pp 23,343,620,702 7 756 972
310 (#310) Jorikawa 95.68% 15,119.00pp 37,168,030,856 111 814 1,908
311 (#311) Gigi8974 98.26% 15,117.90pp 32,259,973,586 47 709 766
312 (#312) im a fancy kids 96.77% 15,116.00pp 13,000,596,963 5 269 696
313 (#313) Norlain 98.93% 15,106.60pp 73,439,636,796 34 666 1,224
314 (#314) edizberkserbest 97.47% 15,098.70pp 26,165,504,180 14 548 1,410
315 (#316) My Angel Anzu 98.28% 15,088.00pp 95,251,167,421 131 2,526 2,711
316 (#317) DarthInvaderZim 98.98% 15,077.70pp 54,787,908,234 56 470 1,557
317 (#316) Ledeau_Fox 96.95% 15,077.30pp 42,380,181,587 34 1,013 1,585
318 (#319) Oscar con boina 98.16% 15,073.80pp 27,394,888,311 57 680 1,643
319 (#319) Woofel 99.44% 15,070.40pp 64,051,934,905 128 1,072 1,538
320 (#321) Akuma no Tenshi 97.72% 15,069.60pp 21,346,780,176 32 414 798
321 (#320) judah1224 97.61% 15,054.80pp 4,214,668,208 12 216 436
322 (#321) Taylan_ 98.33% 15,052.80pp 31,037,343,704 16 576 911
323 (#323) fieryrage 98.42% 15,050.90pp 81,804,508,610 178 2,003 1,588
324 (#325) Red_Pixel 99.01% 15,050.30pp 60,789,868,383 63 1,228 1,819
325 (#324) sweetheart 98.67% 15,047.20pp 113,909,701,327 68 1,830 2,264
326 (#325) Nameless Player 99.51% 15,045.30pp 91,860,744,310 162 1,421 1,436
327 (#326) GodRoPoNiKa 99.60% 15,041.20pp 47,796,130,846 94 1,028 792
328 (#328) Zoomeree 98.53% 15,038.40pp 31,832,434,215 65 510 1,783
329 (#330) Flameztear 98.82% 15,028.70pp 72,124,812,640 1,359 699 1,361
330 (#330) El Merami 95.98% 15,012.50pp 15,188,803,615 30 632 818
331 (#332) suly 98.95% 15,009.30pp 78,118,180,601 120 1,054 1,918
332 (#333) - deston - 99.31% 15,007.30pp 129,640,443,940 195 2,243 4,072
333 (#333) golem de caca 97.63% 15,003.50pp 35,728,116,583 82 618 989
334 (#334) VtuberVoiceASMR 97.93% 15,003.20pp 44,510,883,571 59 1,181 1,430
335 (#337) majoreh 97.27% 15,002.80pp 55,933,577,302 91 1,590 2,960
336 (#337) [ Zane ] 99.15% 15,002.00pp 147,806,053,286 292 3,483 2,963
337 (#338) Oxvenn 98.46% 15,000.00pp 24,383,214,333 7 292 628
338 (#339) nanolini 98.92% 14,999.90pp 27,763,825,418 56 428 1,457
339 (#339) eloj 96.76% 14,998.90pp 23,325,913,551 55 960 1,263
340 (#340) termi 98.39% 14,994.50pp 37,817,938,821 10 410 1,498
341 (#342) A]] 96.79% 14,976.70pp 40,894,244,433 39 656 1,484
342 (#343) BaconPug 97.86% 14,969.70pp 24,399,912,504 15 749 1,281
343 (#343) Haadez 98.41% 14,961.30pp 164,274,234,023 23,712 3,164 4,841
344 (#345) ramtin 99.11% 14,960.00pp 21,509,091,644 124 612 1,372
345 (#345) Dezku 98.11% 14,958.70pp 44,903,281,844 161 1,271 1,399
346 (#347) shion 98.83% 14,957.10pp 64,485,712,936 60 1,203 825
347 (#348) fedoragoose 99.32% 14,955.30pp 93,978,271,117 71 2,162 1,494
348 (#349) razorfruit 98.11% 14,955.00pp 45,780,449,507 25 738 1,007
349 (#350) xan_ly 95.90% 14,952.30pp 12,399,911,007 32 422 771
350 (#351) Dempsey 98.22% 14,947.40pp 40,819,582,470 215 1,187 2,269
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