RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
801 (#14,938) OuO 98.96% 8,068.91pp 83,346,196,689 797 4,888 1,350
802 (#9,383) OldnessAss 99.02% 8,874.30pp 83,344,562,959 325 2,163 5,057
803 (#46,973) 681743801 99.10% 6,080.23pp 83,138,632,801 841 5,891 4,085
804 (#3,356) lucker 98.77% 10,739.90pp 83,090,246,943 344 1,612 2,524
805 (#1,795) LaBron Jayms 98.10% 11,873.00pp 83,088,735,170 15 1,090 2,908
806 (#7,464) Mloah 98.59% 9,279.82pp 83,039,939,340 1,424 5,058 3,996
807 (#292) nobully 99.21% 15,490.20pp 82,994,399,457 91 1,114 1,681
808 (#66,525) Pengu 99.87% 5,472.23pp 82,957,817,865 37,311 6 272
809 (#1,461) Jet- 99.43% 12,289.20pp 82,928,642,517 295 2,362 3,463
810 (#488) Aerora 99.20% 14,383.00pp 82,915,748,906 91 535 1,926
811 (#42,229) byo 97.96% 6,261.74pp 82,838,382,689 4,219 8,408 6,213
812 (#276) Fjell 99.17% 15,585.40pp 82,837,858,114 136 1,613 2,350
813 (#5,167) samuuurott 98.97% 9,972.58pp 82,811,981,483 97 719 3,970
814 (#860) Chubery 99.08% 13,308.70pp 82,719,008,957 161 2,429 2,317
815 (#10,332) crazymonkeys 98.87% 8,717.33pp 82,688,613,337 431 2,800 3,817
816 (#2,362) Ainee 98.19% 11,386.20pp 82,667,991,175 30 1,218 3,793
817 (#2,749) -Sylvari 98.27% 11,127.40pp 82,657,097,389 177 2,004 2,670
818 (#58,423) Pata-Mon 98.73% 5,695.89pp 82,642,739,958 2,667 6,464 1,670
819 (#325) Dustice 99.03% 15,171.70pp 82,628,553,665 133 2,815 2,421
820 (#519) -Kedama 98.86% 14,252.10pp 82,577,151,387 179 1,506 3,337
821 (#1,903) Vladdex 98.61% 11,766.10pp 82,507,796,560 121 1,582 2,621
822 (#11,486) ccr- 98.79% 8,527.68pp 82,496,637,596 289 4,980 89
823 (#27,648) Hawesome 99.14% 6,996.27pp 82,445,629,352 870 2,817 3,184
824 (#36,896) wtfitshard 99.19% 6,496.15pp 82,354,985,728 200 1,991 3,577
825 (#57) Aricin 98.72% 18,717.90pp 82,308,654,507 90 1,683 2,390
826 (#13,984) zhuzhu19 99.18% 8,182.31pp 82,233,855,691 931 5,769 1,988
827 (#1,398) -Archangel- 96.73% 12,405.70pp 81,934,832,938 171 2,190 2,951
828 (#9,911) OG_Dwarf 98.80% 8,782.47pp 81,914,140,112 362 2,751 5,485
829 (#27,202) Superfinemike 99.19% 7,023.50pp 81,903,947,003 562 4,564 2,834
830 (#4,087) Risea 99.01% 10,371.40pp 81,902,029,702 1,876 3,691 3,272
831 (#15,682) Kinomoto Sakura 98.63% 7,979.56pp 81,901,619,717 297 2,864 5,650
832 (#1,182) BProd 99.12% 12,730.80pp 81,875,905,859 58 1,266 2,235
833 (#707) Lane 99.09% 13,679.10pp 81,841,854,277 87 1,610 3,984
834 (#4,133) helix 99.35% 10,354.00pp 81,835,530,983 2,238 2,972 1,917
835 (#352) fieryrage 98.42% 15,050.90pp 81,832,442,684 181 1,920 1,834
836 (#4,082) AgarSanik 98.16% 10,374.20pp 81,727,736,959 341 3,280 939
837 (#7,415) CakeStuff 98.58% 9,293.22pp 81,503,525,551 338 1,952 4,989
838 (#9,695) BryNu 99.32% 8,820.64pp 81,419,954,741 534 3,346 1,955
839 (#2,868) hedayo 98.50% 11,048.30pp 81,409,004,666 118 1,099 3,915
840 (#49,188) Antony000555 98.98% 6,002.72pp 81,369,949,832 1,734 6,426 1,881
841 (#282) ruirui 98.90% 15,557.60pp 81,337,035,095 138 1,421 1,955
842 (#7,407) Chaoslitz 99.98% 9,296.11pp 81,333,373,296 13,936 461 0
843 (#41,921) ShallICompareThee 98.75% 6,274.49pp 81,320,351,392 593 6,750 1,890
844 (#17,725) Blankz_ 98.47% 7,757.26pp 81,297,377,033 128 2,496 3,878
845 (#22,648) Another Flower 98.67% 7,332.43pp 81,260,406,688 64 2,062 3,076
846 (#6) gnahus 98.99% 23,490.20pp 81,221,779,737 688 3,078 1,464
847 (#47,173) __Ag 98.35% 6,073.57pp 81,205,309,763 176 6,248 1,972
848 (#537) Pain 99.12% 14,187.70pp 81,189,670,749 398 2,144 1,867
849 (#144) Pablohh 99.37% 16,915.70pp 81,161,459,583 121 1,551 1,741
850 (#2,127) Muukeh 99.54% 11,574.80pp 81,148,036,969 1,856 2,782 4,280
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