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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
501 (#502) Rhythm blue 98.21% 13,820.40pp 52,893,005,051 7 1,234 1,319
502 (#503) iamconsistent 98.61% 13,812.30pp 48,458,917,449 12 574 1,978
503 (#504) Vayge 98.62% 13,811.80pp 21,985,746,521 38 535 790
504 (#505) MakiDonalds 99.47% 13,810.60pp 43,089,381,084 61 670 1,670
505 (#506) -Kedama 99.11% 13,805.20pp 78,199,592,368 181 1,490 2,991
506 (#507) ithi 98.33% 13,804.30pp 19,215,293,601 21 495 860
507 (#508) Ponytail 98.21% 13,791.90pp 47,609,238,979 107 1,887 1,692
508 (#509) baoo 98.79% 13,790.60pp 57,067,297,580 19 1,015 1,171
509 (#510) Enns 99.50% 13,789.60pp 61,515,376,862 143 1,092 1,038
510 (#511) Bomilk 99.05% 13,786.20pp 70,344,698,311 742 2,202 1,863
511 (#512) Yellow- 98.62% 13,781.70pp 11,754,834,110 246 393 543
512 (#513) Nailer91 97.70% 13,768.50pp 19,260,593,099 8 456 976
513 (#514) gusniki 99.12% 13,763.10pp 48,890,034,567 56 831 1,515
514 (#515) XenoitesBadPog 98.20% 13,758.10pp 24,825,941,478 12 521 1,654
515 (#516) villix 98.36% 13,754.80pp 28,195,107,182 34 648 1,244
516 (#518) MontemorU 99.27% 13,748.50pp 49,682,150,019 28 746 1,431
517 (#519) Victoor 98.86% 13,746.10pp 118,045,622,285 126 2,764 2,686
518 (#520) Afrodafro 98.82% 13,739.40pp 28,409,103,694 70 850 1,354
519 (#521) Lane 99.18% 13,737.60pp 81,460,711,890 86 1,643 3,559
520 (#522) Xxx_C4L3B_xxX 98.23% 13,727.50pp 44,896,596,048 127 988 1,644
521 (#523) -Hideki- 98.80% 13,724.40pp 22,747,383,931 86 948 1,117
522 (#523) Skydiver 98.84% 13,722.70pp 73,334,596,611 78 1,383 1,552
523 (#525) Yully 98.25% 13,717.00pp 14,986,442,393 14 680 788
524 (#526) II II I 98.31% 13,712.10pp 15,580,939,307 41 619 1,126
525 (#527) Azali 97.44% 13,710.20pp 36,633,279,159 10 598 2,008
526 (#530) Musty 99.38% 13,695.30pp 82,720,923,187 204 2,404 2,112
527 (#530) cloud_chaser02 98.95% 13,694.30pp 62,829,425,336 80 1,031 1,212
528 (#532) Lucrise 99.18% 13,692.00pp 50,966,347,908 73 849 1,609
529 (#531) Skycries 99.20% 13,691.50pp 14,292,170,091 232 243 186
530 (#533) HaruTachi- 98.49% 13,690.00pp 27,032,185,656 30 663 1,562
531 (#533) ChaiPhukChep 98.52% 13,688.40pp 33,847,138,571 125 1,076 985
532 (#534) Dolphin_ 99.01% 13,684.20pp 72,560,387,861 50 868 1,740
533 (#537) Ends 99.48% 13,682.30pp 51,320,828,934 94 827 876
534 (#536) DEMOLITORUS 99.04% 13,680.00pp 18,384,675,913 63 223 285
535 (#539) Mighty Paws 99.17% 13,678.00pp 43,757,379,685 137 713 1,259
536 (#538) -raizen- 98.95% 13,677.80pp 113,951,495,609 45 2,077 2,198
537 (#540) carbon dioxide 98.15% 13,670.70pp 6,724,591,292 13 291 413
538 (#541) Smarteyy 99.02% 13,670.70pp 133,832,707,442 101 2,597 4,072
539 (#544) Marjus 99.08% 13,669.60pp 74,203,043,579 96 1,484 2,084
540 (#543) Invoker 98.49% 13,662.30pp 42,727,718,324 32 1,638 546
541 (#543) SmallPeen 99.00% 13,659.00pp 33,701,263,094 12 630 869
542 (#548) Lexalia 99.14% 13,653.90pp 75,400,594,985 187 1,877 1,977
543 (#548) Ukase 98.21% 13,650.60pp 54,307,447,352 137 1,753 2,621
544 (#548) Hy_Ping 98.86% 13,650.00pp 62,859,907,998 291 3,526 3,981
545 (#550) boleks 99.32% 13,642.50pp 99,118,312,170 299 2,487 2,133
546 (#551) Wario 98.36% 13,639.10pp 69,545,029,367 278 1,960 2,703
547 (#552) Raspigaous 98.65% 13,635.20pp 94,521,051,283 132 1,887 2,774
548 (#553) Asckar 98.01% 13,631.10pp 15,843,289,107 36 515 1,101
549 (#555) lowju 98.04% 13,630.80pp 42,255,192,345 169 1,980 3,561
550 (#557) Rushio 98.50% 13,624.70pp 26,230,353,964 8 387 915
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