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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Axiaan 98.65% 17,575.49pp 213,907,587,793 51,039 1,641 581
2 Sevelik 99.53% 9,479.21pp 117,170,642,356 49,532 3,995 1,745
3 Namazu 98.02% 12,071.22pp 100,622,122,274 32,878 3,698 2,132
4 Kitsuka 99.82% 13,858.41pp 185,038,238,549 31,674 210 67
5 Lavanville 99.72% 9,400.11pp 86,160,489,514 24,114 709 3
6 Ganondorf 97.90% 12,916.88pp 286,913,111,539 22,056 40,596 18,181
7 Hikona 97.27% 12,027.67pp 32,668,092,936 17,480 2,034 709
8 Arx Alveria 98.98% 6,102.26pp 511,144,051,378 12,082 54,262 17,782
9 WitherFlower 94.87% 9,750.93pp 187,736,997,955 12,076 25,349 6,556
10 sanghaaaa 97.30% 12,518.41pp 40,762,383,335 10,964 6,386 3,357
11 Ykoris 97.68% 11,379.54pp 16,979,317,209 9,700 2,013 2,044
12 Amnezzia 96.60% 8,177.36pp 18,214,561,709 8,333 930 357
13 Bidoof 97.32% 18,875.01pp 253,999,165,763 5,727 13,707 2,204
14 Airwam 96.15% 8,522.13pp 60,061,728,311 5,528 5,189 2,003
15 yoshibox 95.84% 10,257.94pp 61,363,382,036 4,847 1,308 1,492
16 Mizuhika 98.47% 7,041.56pp 607,792,496,462 4,808 52,856 11,543
17 TheLordKiwi 90.66% 6,395.00pp 18,234,903,856 4,734 800 560
18 Qumania 99.57% 9,524.30pp 35,375,637,783 4,331 360 784
19 Arakii 97.37% 16,390.39pp 553,576,716,325 3,754 14,426 7,200
20 Fuki 96.11% 10,085.88pp 145,254,105,095 3,650 7,951 688
21 byo 96.87% 12,225.78pp 69,658,551,348 3,286 7,756 3,642
22 Mindwaves 96.76% 16,141.62pp 181,111,673,145 3,120 13,952 7,369
23 Kanoob 96.98% 17,235.32pp 157,695,213,329 2,599 13,521 5,638
24 SpitsLife 97.77% 10,716.90pp 66,915,085,607 2,563 4,047 3,354
25 Jethh 53.07% 5,495.08pp 26,659,473,807 2,385 1,403 1,290
26 MoTL 96.99% 17,299.36pp 40,410,587,312 2,277 3,238 1,660
27 Columbina 97.35% 14,565.59pp 168,120,624,420 2,059 8,486 3,065
28 Egida 98.19% 8,571.44pp 64,539,033,282 2,044 2,427 1,479
29 akwari 97.34% 13,823.60pp 42,258,587,095 2,034 3,265 2,745
30 Cywasp 99.24% 5,870.08pp 47,309,584,871 1,907 4,279 1,443
31 Sailor SnoW 98.89% 6,804.00pp 68,729,649,264 1,805 6,611 4,155
32 pomroz 97.36% 11,108.96pp 36,884,657,750 1,664 2,732 1,863
33 Drakkles 94.22% 8,176.88pp 97,417,094,062 1,612 7,710 2,521
34 Hichinoro 96.65% 9,727.34pp 54,681,705,383 1,479 1,726 1,156
35 skrimore 98.48% 6,300.74pp 107,566,430,671 1,296 9,563 7,611
36 Skyzo 99.35% 6,930.79pp 43,188,493,978 1,185 2,856 1,419
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