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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#432) Dawt 96.13% 15,043.80pp 1,623,433,591 421 1,216 81
2 (#8,751) YouTube Video 96.86% 7,444.52pp 1,509,611,764 232 1,299 97
3 (#36,296) nanawo 96.73% 4,300.13pp 335,124,579 4 264 89
4 (#103,839) mahloola 93.04% 2,216.17pp 504,051,712 25 335 151
5 (#214,713) Vespirit 95.62% 1,083.23pp 150,826,668 65 74 33
6 (#287,544) Redstone 97.25% 729.13pp 118,160,165 7 96 16
7 (#367,312) Lane 94.81% 479.64pp 53,775,957 0 26 24
8 (#383,023) Sepid 94.02% 440.55pp 11,802,843 0 12 1
9 (#133,181) Yuuki-chan 96.56% 353.16pp 57,082,454 6 37 6
10 (#890,395) PayneTrain 73.55% 0.25pp 404,344 0 0 0
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