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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#517) Lane 99.18% 13,737.60pp 81,460,711,890 86 1,643 3,559
2 (#590) Vespirit 99.24% 13,501.20pp 97,023,514,983 4,003 4,679 1,350
3 (#1,184) Sepid 99.31% 12,241.90pp 44,636,914,312 111 1,489 918
4 (#1,463) nanawo 98.78% 11,827.40pp 46,033,229,628 106 728 1,685
5 (#2,574) mahloola 98.97% 10,801.50pp 58,466,580,328 144 1,674 2,824
6 (#2,793) Bae Suzy 98.96% 10,673.60pp 12,870,685,711 63 340 469
7 (#5,664) PayneTrain 98.93% 9,474.38pp 54,619,835,942 99 1,366 2,222
8 (#6,643) Dawt 98.18% 9,191.39pp 10,985,010,435 46 704 334
9 (#24,363) Redstone 99.59% 7,049.96pp 11,365,893,584 157 717 324
10 (#83,588) Sheeto 97.53% 5,031.36pp 7,128,988,639 62 1,009 1,050
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