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Taiko FR Gang

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#13,620) Chernobog 96.83% 6,398.38pp 1,228,436,588 23 962 341
2 (#31,334) [Haku] 95.24% 4,588.02pp 1,872,248,655 8 1,517 529
3 (#80,353) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 94.72% 2,713.98pp 275,397,186 3 124 117
4 (#108,307) omegaflo 95.83% 2,141.65pp 1,003,510,159 11 979 132
5 (#400,913) ClaquettesGucci 94.75% 401.65pp 445,493,061 2 27 7
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