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Taiko FR Gang

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#28,720) [Haku] 98.43% 6,779.96pp 28,917,229,517 91 1,466 2,119
2 (#38,212) Marec 99.04% 6,312.90pp 9,339,828,247 35 432 679
3 (#90,021) Chernobog 99.02% 4,908.71pp 7,724,358,438 22 436 797
4 (#233,396) ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 97.25% 3,181.06pp 1,133,605,642 35 140 200
5 (#1,307,629) ClaquettesGucci 96.52% 552.61pp 201,967,071 11 18 12
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