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Soviet Union Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#101) Meiju 96.56% 19,701.00pp 3,485,294,804 1,081 2,420 127
2 (#1,167) Flexo123 96.99% 12,288.00pp 2,346,598,377 506 1,864 159
3 (#4,024) Rygamine 96.61% 9,193.43pp 1,486,560,100 166 1,200 246
4 (#6,611) MrGoose 96.72% 8,078.16pp 996,379,874 18 922 201
5 (#7,555) Morbon 96.48% 7,777.46pp 495,973,437 1 487 57
6 (#8,246) Undead 96.86% 7,574.60pp 1,365,127,320 114 1,095 295
7 (#10,901) OneRing 96.46% 6,926.26pp 2,608,035,232 181 2,117 425
8 (#12,319) Route 174 95.11% 6,633.89pp 1,091,888,511 30 691 402
9 (#18,889) Lamey 95.69% 5,639.88pp 829,426,241 14 810 92
10 (#19,028) Lacrima 95.52% 5,624.17pp 799,570,164 12 495 291
11 (#30,863) Nozdormu 95.99% 4,616.73pp 651,082,007 35 543 127
12 (#36,952) Kimitakari 96.92% 4,264.60pp 781,096,228 31 781 48
13 (#72,845) [ Mobi ] 93.88% 2,912.02pp 510,224,112 9 260 258
14 (#86,850) talala 92.10% 2,559.60pp 91,815,678 0 35 58
15 (#148,645) SadnessWillSear 94.87% 1,612.94pp 175,980,382 0 102 78
16 (#170,543) _Insomnia 95.08% 1,408.51pp 50,408,888 1 37 14
17 (#220,203) ThankYou 96.02% 1,050.08pp 479,389,125 4 390 111
18 (#227,438) Red_Pixel 93.52% 1,008.11pp 89,209,515 0 56 34
19 (#498,849) skvix 91.68% 231.34pp 12,867,330 1 6 5
20 (#523,329) TemaZpro 99.52% 200.75pp 102,184,711 26 0 0
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